July 03, 2005

In her own words:

In her own words:

I was a Russian linguist in the Army for five years. I was stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany, and served in the Gulf War.

You have to have females in the military for it to function. There just aren't enough male volunteers. As far as "front lines" go, the front ain't what it used to be. In general I would keep the gals as far away from combat as possible. There are great female warriors, but they are few and far between.

My time in the Army gave me the highpoints and lowpoints of my life. It gives me great pleasure to know that no matter how bad a situation is, I can always walk away from it. That wasn't a possibility in the Army.

I have loads of memories, but one that might be (mildly) interesting to others is the Goat Orchard we had on one side of our camp in Saudi. Our campsite was got from some Bedouins for a crate of ammo and some MREs. It was a traditional meeting site for them, and had hundreds of butchered goat carcasses under the sand that were always popping up. One popped up right underneath the cot of my Sergeant, Bob, after he'd had that spot a couple of weeks already. We dubbed that particular goat "Bob's Silent Companion." We called our camp "Rotting Goat."

Anyways, the guys gathered up a ton of little goat legbones and stuck them upright in the ground in straight lines, row after row, and put up a sign calling it the Goat Orchard. It still makes me smile to think of it. The guys were so funny.

Go find out more about Donnah at Florida Cracker.

Posted by Jody at July 3, 2005 12:51 AM | TrackBack
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