Highlight a NEW blogger today!
Ok, here's a quick fun game to play. Pick someone newer to blogging and post a quick link to them, then trackback here. Make sure to visit the link I post and then go through the trackbacks (yeah, I'm MAKING everyone play) and visit someone else there (and make sure to visit their link too!). If you're a new (3 months blogging or less!) blogger, then go ahead, post your link and trackback too! It'll be fun! It'll be great! And now I won't have to worry about posting something until tonight! :)
Here is my link:
Update (and I will be updating throughout the day!):
Pirate's Cove highlights Down for Repairs.
MVRWC links to The Nose on Your Face and reminds everyone that the New Blogger showcase is up -- Go check it out over at Baboon Pirates!
Common Sense Runs Wild links Right in Texas.
Ablogistan (a new blogger showcase participate) adds Gone to Croatoan who he describes as a "fairly liberal environmentalist" in attempt to "balance out the universe" of conservative bloggers highlighted today.
Think Sink highlights Meet the Bloggers and their interview with Tina of Corner Chair.
And new B L O G G E R of the D A Y goes to....
Ariana Huffington ... is full of crap.
Anyone disagree with that? :)
How come you haven't played yet?
Oh and one clarification, this is a GAME. Not a MEME, which I hate. GAMES can and will be forced upon everyone. EVERYONE! :)
Posted by Jody at May 9, 2005 07:54 AM | TrackBack