May 01, 2005

I have stayed out of

I have stayed out of this for awhile because in all honesty I wasn't sure about what postion to take. I am hesitant to insist on completely closed borders because this country's diversity is one of it's long standing testaments of the opportunities this great country affords so many. A person can quite literally come into this country without a word of English and through hard work transform into an industrious wealthy American. Granted, many immigrants who come do not take advantage of the great opportunities or unable to build themselves up. But there is still so much hope for them here and their children than anywhere else in the world currently.

This is the blessing of legal immigration. Unfortunately legal immigration is not the problem. It is the illegal immigrants coming into this country, thumbing their noses at our laws from their very beginnings here. Taking advantage of opportunities that truly are not theirs. They are thieves and yes, though it pains me to admit it, there does need to be action. Why has this been a struggle for me to see that we should firm up our laws and strictly enforce them? Because, my heart goes out to the illegals who for some way or another cannot make it through the bureaucratic red tape that this country has instituted to become legal. The ones who truly want to work hard. Who want better opportunities. The people who are not the leeches. The people who just want their children to grow up in a better place.

If we finally begin to take the threat serious that illegal immigration poses to our national security and finally close our borders then these people who really deserve a better chance will be shut out. If finally realize that the costs are too high, and too much is being taken from true citizens My thoughts on this though are simple: Keep them in their country. Especially immigrants from Mexico. Imagine if those immigrants who crossed the borders in the night, all of them were forced to stay in their country. The hundreds of thousands of disgruntled low paid laborers stuck in Mexico. They would be forced to look within their own country for the solutions that they have sought here. Their presidente would be forced to look at the real issues instead of demanding that the United States continue to let the illegals in.

Imagine all the hard working ingenuitive people who were not leeches, who truly wanted to make their lives better, if they had to stay home. Maybe they would be forced to make their home better.

A revolution can only begin when no other solutions are present, change can only occur when people are available to make it happen. The same people who are determined and willing to leave their homes for a better opportunity are the same people who could make their better opportunity at home.

Too simplistic? Maybe... but I think it is worth a try.

Posted by Jody at May 1, 2005 09:34 PM | TrackBack
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