May 01, 2005

I wrote Liberal Dogs, Socialist

I wrote Liberal Dogs, Socialist Fleas back in December. A particularly effusive comment was posted recently singing the praises of socialism. Among the droppings, er, I mean insights this person had to share:

Labor is an expression of our deepest essence. Our labor is sacred, in a sense, a fundamental and profound manifestation and creativity. Capitalism defiles and perverts work. Intellectual and physical labor is a mere commodity that must be sold to a buyer. In American society, most of us are alienated from our labor activity and from the product of that intellectual or physical labor. Our productive activity is not our own, the production created is not our own. We are thereby alienated from our own sweat. Your labor is an expression of you, of your deepest and truest self, but in a capitalist society workers activity belongs to another, it is the loss of his self. Labor creates all wealth. When your labor belongs to another, you are left with nothing. You are nothing. I am nothing and I should be everything. Capitalism is a system designed to steal. That theft is so grand that it is hard to fathom.

I found it laughable and planned on ignoring it but then I found this gem at Girl On The Right that's just priceless. So I've brazenly stolen it!

Psalm 23 - Lefty Style

The government is my shepherd: I need not work. It alloweth me to lie down on a good job; It leadeth me beside still factories; It destroyeth my initiative. It leadeth me in a path of a parasite for politic's sake; Yea though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficit-spending, I will fear no evil, for the government is with me. It prepareth an economic Utopia for me, by appropriating the earnings of my own grandchildren. It filleth my head with false security; My inefficiency runneth over. Surely the government should care for me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell in a fool's paradise forever Amen/woman.

Yep, that just about sums it up.

[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]

Posted by Jody at May 1, 2005 07:33 PM | TrackBack
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