April 19, 2005

It is hard to

It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred.

I wasn't alive to remember when JFK was shot. But I have lived knowing that his assassination was engraved permanently in the memory of our country. The Oklahoma City Bombing is one of those incidents. Growing up I remember where I was when the space shuttle blew up (the Challenger) and when I first heard the news of the Oklahoma City Bombing and of course, 9-11.

I remember Baylee Almon. Pictured here below:

This one year old child died because of an evil man. This picture reflects the bombing more to me than any picture of a building does. In one moment, it shows the results of evil and it also shows the goodness of that poor fireman who I'm sure lives everyday with the memory of holding Baylee in his arms.

We have as a country been through a lot since this incident. 9-11 has placed a shadow upon the Oklahoma City Bombing. When we think of destruction and terrorism, the two twin towers comes instantly to mind. The evil that can be done by man is no longer unknown to us. We are not ignorant that so many want to harm us. No good reasons required.

I remember the shock and the total loss of security I felt when we found out that the Oklahoma City bombing was not a foreign terrorist threat. It was one of our own. The betrayal of an American caused this pain and destruction.

Yes we can go on and place these incidents in the back of our mind but they are there. Engraved. Only a few moments of reflection takes us back to where we were, what we were thinking. The shock. The pain. The destruction. The utter helplessness and despair.

So much of the incident showed the evilness of man, but so much of the recovery gave us hope.

The fireman doing all he can to save a child. The survivors. The resilience of a city. Of a country. The doctors and nurses who in one instance were transported into war ravaged conditions. The people, who after losing their daughters and sons, their mothers and fathers, who can never forget; but still they can live. The volunteers who never rested until all who needed assistance were helped.

I will never forget. I can never forget. It is not an option and if it were, I would not choose it. We as a nation can not forget. To forget the pain, would be to forget the bravery and the people who stepped beyond the call of duty to help complete strangers. To forget would be to deny that it occurred. To forget would mean that Baylee and her brave fireman would be forgotten as well.

Update: Michelle Malkin has insights as well. Firewolf's blog relates this incident with immigration (interestingly enough, it makes sense).

Posted by Jody at April 19, 2005 07:43 AM | TrackBack
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