April 01, 2005

I just emailed Beth, Drew

I just emailed Beth, Drew and Dave who agreed to play my interview game these questions:

1. When did you first hear the word blog? Or which was the first blog that you regularly read?

2. If you had to change one event in history, what would you change?

3. The dinner party question: Name two people living or dead that you would invite. And why?

4. Name a major influence in your life.

5. What do you think your blog says about you? And what do you think it omits?

I will let you know when they respond, in the meantime, if you'd like to answer my questions, please do so either in my comments or on your own blog and leave a trackback!

See we can all play! Isn't that fun?

Update: Drews very interesting responses can be found here. And Dave has sent me an email of his responses but he won't post them on his blog because he can't follow the rules! :)

So I guess I am just waiting on Beth...and all of you commenters!

Update2 (4/3): Dave's answers can now be found at his blog: Save the Hubble. Go check them out.

Posted by Jody at April 1, 2005 02:27 PM | TrackBack
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