March 27, 2005

Cheryl Ford, RN emails that

Cheryl Ford, RN emails that the Schindler's have reported a change in Terri's breathing and that it has become labored. She asks all of Terri's supporters to:

Please pray that God continues to protect Terri. Pray that He will provide Terri with peace as she struggles to take her final breaths. Please pray that He allows her family to feel confident that they did everything possible to save her life. Please pray that He allows them to know how much she loves them for the valiant fight they have made on her behalf. Please pray that if Terri is forced to take her final breaths, it can be with her family by her bedside...Pray that someday soon she will be capable of inhaling the beauty of LIFE, in a place where no more harm will come to her. ... In the meantime, please know, for as long as Terri is alive and fighting, I will continue to pray for a miracle and will keep on fighting for her until her final breaths are taken.

(Cross posted at blogsforterri)

Posted by Jody at March 27, 2005 02:06 AM | TrackBack
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