March 14, 2005

Orlando Mayor, Buddy Dyer, was

Orlando Mayor, Buddy Dyer, was indicted Friday, March 11th under charges that he violated voter absentee-ballot laws. Dyer has been a contraversial figure for Orlando since his turbulent reign as mayor began. He has been criticized for demolishing buildings and for not going through proper channels to get things done. Many people believed he would eventually be indicted, just maybe not for this.

Of course under state law, Governor Jeb Bush had to remove Dyer from his position as Mayor.

So who is now acting mayor of Orlando? Why Ernest Page, of course. Who in 1983 was convicted of grand theft and spent 8 months in jail.
Um. Yep. That's about right. You can think of your own punchline, right?
Posted by Jody at March 14, 2005 10:00 PM | TrackBack
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