If the world that Democrats have been living in lately were made into a reality disaster show, it would be called "When Good News Strikes."
One of the inconveniences of political debate is that occasionally reality intrudes to invalidate a given position no matter how much its partisans want to believe it. This is what has been happening recently to the argument that the invasion of Iraq produced an irrecoverable mess. Although surely setbacks still await us in Iraq and the Middle East, stunning headlines from the region have left many liberals perversely glum about upbeat news.
It is the politicians that are currently serving for the Democratic party that will continue looking for the bad. It is the liberals who continue to diminish this new era we have entered that are the fools. The moonbats that accuse our military of targeting Giuliana Sgrena are insane.
If everything in this world is a conspiracy and nothing but smokescreen and mirrors, what really is there to believe in? Nothing.
What possibly can you stand for? Nothing.
They are only looking for the chance to call Bush a liar or a murderer; to discredit a good man for standing for something. You can call names all you want, it still doesn't change the fact that Bush, with resolve and strength, has changed the face of this entire world.