February 22, 2005

Guess what time it is,

Guess what time it is, kids? BLOG SOUP TUESDAY!!!! Come on down...

Eh, okay. And so the fun begins! Here are some of the other great blogs that I have been reading in ALPHABETICAL order....that's right, we're have alphabet soup today...

  • Anywhere but Here has BOOGERS!
  • Blogs for Terri.
  • CommonSenseRunsWild lists some Terri Schiavo blog posts you may have missed.
  • Dean explodes...well no, but he posts about his explosion that susposedly just missed earth? Where was I? He also does an excellent job with blogging for Terri.
  • Elizabeth over at Daily Inklings celebrated her bloggiversary, happy 1 year! (I should've done a whole celebration post for my bloggiversary... 1 month and still going!)
  • Firewolf continues his tireless "Save the Hubble" campaign, really somone tell this guy it's just not worth it. ;)
  • GOP Insight talks about Condi for VP.
  • Hubs and Spokes daddy blogs.
  • Insane Troll Logic makes a shocking confession...
  • John Bambenek has great information on how you can make a difference for Terri Schiavo.
  • K...hmmm is that really still part of the alphabet?
  • Life Steward, besides having some stellar Terri posts, also has a great study in the inclusiveness of those wacky Democrats...
  • Marcus over at Free4Good makes fun of my driving. And as you should all know, anyone making fun of me gets instant mention in the soup. But this is a "BE NICE TO JODY!" or else mention.... ;)
  • NotaDesperateHousewife talks more "Wead."

  • Ogged asks and answers which are the good political blogs written my women; his tastes can't be too bad, I didn't make the list. Go check them out and see...
  • ProLifeBlogs.
  • Questions and Answers has a generation of valor.
  • Rightpundit says you should have a living will. And as his blog name suggests, he is always right.
  • Sarah K's and Frank J's crazy U-haul adventures continue...
  • Tigerhawk says I should change my blog name to "Stealth Bandwagon"...I like it, what do you think? (ht: Firewolf, who emailed me and said now that I was on Tigerhawk's blogroll, I was one step closer to Glenn)
  • Uncle Jack has an interesting tax question for bloggers...
  • Vodkapundit reveals that "nations act in their own interests!". Shocking and true. ;)
  • Wendy wrote in an email that she could never keep up with all the blogs I read. I replied saying I really didn't read that many, I think this post might make me a liar...
  • X...yah not really a letter either.

  • You're still reading this?! I stopped at "O"...
  • Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, As in most boring blog post ever.
And I will never do that again! PROMISE!

Posted by Jody at February 22, 2005 07:34 PM | TrackBack
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