August 01, 2005

Two Of The Most Powerful Men In The World

chuck.jpgA fantastic photo of milblogger Chuck (TC Override), the Commander-in-Chief, Carren and Alice.

You can keep up with Chuck's recovery at From My Position . . . On The Way!

You can donate to help cover expenses or just send a nice card to CPT Charles Ziegenfuss, PO Box 59051, Washington DC 20012

Chuck's blogging duties have been covered nicely by his wife Carren since his injury by an IED back in June. Chuck himself is slowly getting back into the swing of things and I understand that positive comments on his blog mean a lot to him, his wife Carren and his mom Alice. Be sure to go over and tell him how much you appreciate his service!

[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]

Posted by Janette Stripling at August 1, 2005 07:11 PM | TrackBack
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