August 07, 2005

The tale of a porn star or a lesson for Christianity

I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. His eye is on the sparrow. And I know he watches over me.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs on of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than any sparrows."
Luke 12:6-7 NIV


Jesus' ministry was rarely confined to four walls of a sanctuary but he was always with someone hurting and lost. Someone who needed to find their way and He was there... He is there. His love knows no bounds and never is exclusive.

I though often shield myself in a cocoon of "Christian" friends under the guise of being separate in the world. In all honesty, it is just easier that way. I don't have to reach out to someone hurting and alone and actually help them. I just stay with those who won't challenge my beliefs or need more than I am willing to give.

We stick together with our noses high, knowing we're right and we're definitely separate from the "world"...

But if we stay in our cocoon, who can see the wings God has given us? Who will see the blessings and joy we truly have? Who can see the light of this world and who will show those hurting the way? If we stay within ourselves, how can we help those Jesus always helped? The woman at the well? The blind? The tormented? The lonely? The helpless? Who is left holding their hands if we refuse to do it?

His eye is on the sparrow. He knows each and every hair on our heads...He does not keep better track of a "Christian's" hair than someone who is not? Being a Christian doesn't make you worth more than the person who doesn't know Jesus.

But even having said all that, I still wonder, could I be friends with the porn star? Read the whole story, it is well worth your time and it is a gentle reminder that our friendships and love for others needs to extend pass our church walls...

(ht: Just a Little Bit Odd)

Posted by Jody at August 7, 2005 10:18 PM | TrackBack

As a former pastor's son and current pornographer, I can tell you that my opinion is that organized religions cause more world harm than pornography. How many wars have started over religion? How about pornography? How many millions of people have been killed over religion? Now, how about pornography?

See what I'm saying?

Posted by: Donovan Phillips at October 16, 2005 11:02 PM
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