August 31, 2005

**Important** Coast Guard Hotline

This information comes from a reliable source from Darleen. It is imperative to get the word out so please make sure to let everyone who may need this number know. Thanks!

State OES has learned that trapped victims on the Gulf Coast are calling family, friends, loved-ones, or anyone they can get a call out to in California asking for someone to rescue them. These requests need to go immediately to the US Coast Guard's Rescue Line at 800-323-7233 and immediate assistance will be sent.

Please distribute this information as widely as possible.

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Posted by Jody at August 31, 2005 10:14 PM | TrackBack

With what resources are there, the trouble is gettign the information out to the victims. Hopefully they will find their relief soon.

Posted by: Nettie at August 31, 2005 10:22 PM

thanks, Jody!!!

LOVE you!

Posted by: Darleen at August 31, 2005 11:24 PM
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