March 10, 2005

In between trying to solve

In between trying to solve the great Email caper between Aol and Microsoft, Kausfiles had a really good post regarding "trusting blogs":
Trust-busting: Hugh Hewitt, in his distressingly pre-emptive book Blog, says "the blogosphere is about trust." It is? I don't read Hewitt 's blog because I trust him. I read it because he's smart, makes arguments I want to hear and tells me things I want to know about. And I'd rather have a blogosphere filled with readers who need to be convinced than with readers who trust. ... Bloggers didn't bring Dan Rather down because they were trusted. They brought him down because they had the goods on him. ...
I absolutely agree. Let's remember there are two sides to every story. You shouldn't automatically take my word for just because I posted it. You really don't know who I am or what my agenda is. This is the same reason we shouldn't take the mainstream media's word just because it is printed in a newspaper or a blonde anchor reads it from the teleprompter. It is up to you to decide how to interpret the information. It's easy on this blog; I don't hide my conservative bias or my opinions. I realize that it would be too difficult for me to write and my reader not to know that I am a Republican.
Read this blog and all the other blogs you want and comment (of course), feel free to disagree, and then fact check us.

If you can prove me wrong, fine. I can be wrong, I'm actually very good at that. Blogs are a great equalizer because everyone's opinions and voice has the opportunity to be heard but remember some voices have more depth and perspective than others. And some voices are wrong and inaccurant, and others are right.

You can agree with me, you can disagree with me, but don't trust me... Not at least until I have earned that trust.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I love Slate, for the simple reason it makes me mad and then it makes me think. Same reasons I read Kos (gasp!), are you shocked yet? :)

Posted by Jody at March 10, 2005 10:10 PM | TrackBack
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