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June 30, 2005
Not to be confused with
Not to be confused with our very own comment obsessed Jeff H, Jeff from Oh Dark Thirty is having a comment party while he is in basic training. His goal was for 1000 comments by at least 50 different people and 75 trackbacks to his site. He returns soon so any help you can give is appreciated... some people were just born for this task (not mentioning names -- oh wait, I already did). Update:He made it!! There are now 1000 comments posted! Yay for Jeff!Posted by Jody at 11:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 29, 2005
I am trying to hold
I am trying to hold my tongue......but it's hard to type with one hand and my fingers are getting really really wet.
Posted by Jody at 06:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2005
A bit pretentious but

the * C o t i l l i o n * hostesses today:
Posted by Jody at 01:07 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Feisty Repartee is hosting "Wide
Feisty Repartee is hosting "Wide Open" this Friday. She has a scene begun and you write a story based on it. I say we all give it try together, the scenario she has for us is super intriguing and besides what else do we have to blog about? Who's with me? Anyone?Anyone?
Posted by Jody at 12:18 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 27, 2005
Their names? Well the

Posted by Jody at 11:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Hmmph...I think everyone in the
Hmmph...I think everyone in the blogosphere went on vacation...without me!
Come on guys! Come back, I'll play nice, honest. Or at least tell me where y'all are staying and I'll meet you there. Who needs to blog when it's so nice outside?
Blogger rule # 59403: Traffic sucks in the summertime.
And yes, this is me complaining about it.
Posted by Jody at 01:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Susan Torres Family
The Washington Post gives a more in-depth article regarding Susan Torres, the woman who collapsed from a brain tumor and is brain dead.The woman who is being kept alive in order to try to deliver her unborn child who needs to be at least 25 weeks old before Doctor's feel the baby would have any chances of survival. They are racing against time and the melanoma quickly spreading throughout Susan's body. The article explores some of the ethical implications of keep Susan alive even though by all accounts, she is legally dead.From an ethical point of view, some of the big questions were answered three days after a cancerous tumor at the top of her spinal column, a melanoma, began bleeding and felled Susan Torres on May 7. She was about four months pregnant with their second child. Her doctors have declined to comment, but Jason Torres said they determined his wife to be brain dead, which, according to widely accepted laws in Virginia and other states, means that she is dead.The question became whether to try to keep her body functioning with machines so the fetus could grow, an ethical scenario akin to organ donation, said Robert M. Veatch, a professor of medical ethics at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.
In this decision, he and others said, it is Susan Torres's desires and values, as expressed by her or as divined by her husband, that are given the most weight, in light of the fetus's chances of survival.
Please take some time to visit: http://www.susantorresfund.org/
If you are able to help financially, please do so; but they are also in need of your prayers.
Posted by Jody at 08:24 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 26, 2005
She writes the words on
The comparisons are hard not to make. The small voice of a teenager compared with the giant powerful voice of a dictator. The voice of hope compared to the voice of death. In the end, these voices both made giant impacts of our history. Which voice do you hear more easily? The whisper of a child in hiding or the frantic yelling of a murderer?
Which voices of this era will resonate with our descendents? The putrid vile of hate from extremists who hate this country and continue to try to tear it apart? Or will it be the voices of reason, the small voices that whisper in the wind?
Will we pass on the firefighters who went back into those towers because people needed to be saved; only to tragically die themselves? Or will our mantra be "Bush lied, people died"? Will we be defined by the events of September 11th? Or will that event be written in our history books as "well-deserved" pay back? Will our troops be honored or will the message "we support our troops when they kill each other" be our cry? Will Michael Moore, George Soros, Howard Dean be revered as American Heroes? Or George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfield and our men and women sacrificing everything for America be esteemed? What will our history be? Which voices will persevere?
Which voices will die? Anne Frank's voice never died...it continues today. Her whispers made in an attic drown out the screams of a dictator.
A blog is not very important in the scheme of things, not much more than an individualized record of time. Much like a diary. Not to be presumptuous that my blog will ever make it in the pages of our history books, but maybe the collective voice of those not willing to surrender their country to extremists will. Maybe my whisper and your whisper can drown out the screams from those who wish to bring down our country. Right now the voices may seem too loud, too hard to ignore, too vile, too putrid, too harsh. Our options are to scream back, or to continue to whisper...
I choose a whisper. Lower your voice and notice those who strain to hear you.
Were you once a Republican but now a Democrat because you read "Kos"? Did you become a Christian because the lunatic on the street corner calling you a "whoremonger" and told you were going to hell, convicted you? Or did you walk on by? When was the last time you changed something about yourself? What was the catalyst of that change? The look of disappointment on your husband's face? The tears from your mother? The shock of a nation attacked? The words of a friend? The life of a neighbor?
In less honest moments, I have taken a much more extreme position about certain things to write a good blog entry that would generate the "hits". I faked a little moral outrage to "rile" up the troops. It's been easy to do, most people can't ignore the screams of extremism, most seem to even prefer it. It quickly polarizes the audience to those who will fight for you and those who will fight against you. But it never changes a mind. When my opinions are strong, you will certainly know it; I refuse to dilute my beliefs but I will not season them as well. What you see will be what you get.
What will your voice be?
(cross posted at Merri's Musings)
Posted by Jody at 10:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 25, 2005
You'll excuse me for a
You'll excuse me for a moment if I slip in under the radar and post an article I think worthy of notice.If you haven't been to World Net Daily lately to browse their always informative stories I invite you to take a further look into this one.
That's right folks, your friendly America Hating news agency plans to run stories in extremist-ville about how ummm...."Well" we protect our southern borders. Al-Jazeera even went so far as to call up Chris Simcox (one of the founders of the Minuteman Project) for his take on the matter to which he said:
The Arab TV news network criticized by the new Iraqi government and others for its anti-American bias and willingness to carry the messages of terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida, is headed for the U.S.-Mexico border to document how easy it is to enter America illegally.
"The group has been denied requests for interviews by Minuteman Civil Defense Corps organizers but they still insist on filming the groups’ activities along with the rest of the media during a July 4th weekend mission near Arivaca, Arizona," said Simcox.
Simcox has contacted the offices of Arizona's two Republican U.S. senators – John McCain and Jon Kyl – to invite them to do interviews with al Jazeera, "so perhaps they can explain to the viewers of this news outlet just how secure America's borders really are."
"The offices of the Arizona members of the United States House of Representatives will also be contacted to alert them to the presence and the intent by the al-Jazeera news crew to film the lack of security along the U.S. border with Mexico," said Simcox. "The office of the Department of Homeland Security will also be notified. The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps also wonders just what DHS would tell al-Jazeera about the condition of our border security."
I know that Jody doesn't write alot about immigration policies, or my beloved saved the Hubble campaigns which is why I always have. Illegal Immigration reform isn't about keeping people out of this country who want to live here legally, but it's about problems and the people who exploit them and how much they damage our economy, national security, and foreign policy decisions. How much more time do we need to leave our borders open and porous for us to have another 9/11? While I am certain most illegals crossing the borders are doing so to get jobs, but they are still illegal, and law violators, and thus not making it any easier on those law abiding immigrants who just want a better life and are willing to make the extra effort to do so with a clear conscience.
(Linked to Beth's Open Trackback Post -JB)
Posted by Jody at 08:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 24, 2005
(my princess) The baby is
(my princess) The baby is going through a "stage". Yes, another one. She now refuses to go to "school" if she does not have a princess dress on. Today she was Tinkerbell. Yesterday she was Barbie. It will be 3 months until her third birthday but she has already informed me that she wants a princess party, so that should be fun.
But at least she is fun to be around, and there is certainly never a dull moment.
Posted by Jody at 07:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Beth from My Vast Right
Beth from My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has figured out why she has bloggers block:Basically, I'm TIRED of the same old story with just names and other details changed. What's that story? You know, of course. It's the constant drone of those who insult our military, undermining the war with their on-message slander.
Ted Kennedy, Eason Jordan, Dick Durbin, Howard Dean, Al Gore, the DU/Kos/left blogosphere, etc. etc. etc.-what's the difference in any of these stories? None. They're obviously determined to MAKE the war in Iraq turn into "another Vietnam". I am convinced that they WANT this to be Vietnam-and for what? So they can say they're right? So they can say Bush=Hitler?
Her article is convincing and powerful and worth your time to go read it. Of course it's Beth so expect strong opinions and strong language. But also expect a profound articulate post regarding the insanity of the growing lies and the tiresome combat against them.
Beth wonders what can blogging do to make a difference? What can be done to fight the deceit propagated by people who truly hate America? This is what you do about it. You express a strong message of truth despite fear of people rejecting it and people ignoring it and you keep telling the truth to counteract the lies. Yes maybe it seems like the opinions of the American people are being swayed by mindless rhetoric, but if someone is not there standing up for truth, then it will surely be strangled by the deceit growing among it.
Posted by Jody at 03:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ouch.Posted by Jody at 02:34 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 23, 2005
I hate my neighbors. They
Fortunately for us, the Supreme Court has ruled that we can kick these "undesirables" out if we can think of why it is for the public good. I always knew that the Supreme Court had my best interests at heart.
Who cares about my neighbors? Who cares if the government is taking their home away even though they paid for it with their hard earned money? Who cares if my neighbors will now be forced away from the neighborhood they chose because the government has told them to? There's nothing they can do about it according to our benevolent Supreme Court justices. They will just have to leave and we can use their property for what we decide...for the "public good" of course. I am going to propose a neighborhood garden or maybe a nice community pool or a nice country club for all of us who actually deserve to be part of my neighborhood to enjoy...
Um. Okay. Maybe it won't happen this way, but now that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is perfectly okay for the government to take away your home for private businesses (this is no eminent domain, folks, this is corporations, office buildings, shopping malls, and contractors being legally able to ask your local government to kick you out of your home if they can prove that the "public" would benefit); what is going to stop some from abusing this? Which will be judged more important? The grandmother's home for fifty years or the new apartment complex? Which will gain the government's favor? The mansion or the middle class home? The homes of hard working immigrants or the new mall? The family farm or the new housing project?
If my land can be taken at the whims of the government, then is it really my land at all? Nope and this land isn't your land either...
Posted by Jody at 09:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Bill Kristol speculates (with a
Bill Kristol speculates (with a fair amount of confidence) that a Supreme Court Justice will step down "within the next week." But not Rehnquist as most would assume, but Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Who will President Bush nominate to replace her? Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.Charmaine Yoest says, "A moderate for a moderate. That's how they'll sell it. That's how Washington works."
Hmmm...what do you think?
Update: And why should you care?
The Anchoress says that today the Supreme Court stole your home with their latest ruling. This is why you should care.
Posted by Jody at 03:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 22, 2005
Although I do feel bad
Although I do feel bad for their employees, I just couldn't get too upset when I heard about Winn-Dixie closing 35% of their stores. They can close them all for all I care and take their stupid rewards card with them...Posted by Jody at 01:34 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Even if you supported Michael
Even if you supported Michael Schiavo's right to remove Terri's feeding tube, can you see the need for this?
(h/t: Common Sense Runs Wild)
Posted by Jody at 01:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 21, 2005
Wow. Pretty soon Cotillion is
Wow. Pretty soon Cotillion is going to be too cool for me to be a member...check out our latest editions:Absinthe & Cookies
annika’s journal
Bobo Blogger
Dr. Sanity
Just A Girl
Maxed Out Mama
Portia Rediscovered
reasoned audacity at charmaineyoest.com
Right Thinking Girl
Villainous Company
Posted by Jody at 03:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Here a few items of
Cotillion Today

Posted by Jody at 07:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 20, 2005
The Gun-Toting Liberal writes a
Why has the two party system worked so well for our country? Because both parties have traditionally been toward the center of the political spectrum and because the center is where most American people reside. The moderate right and the moderate left have kept the fringe elements of their parties under wraps. Until now. As Republicans, we have a vested interest in the Democrats NOT going off the deep end.
Yes I enjoy a little Howie bashing and his self destruction would not be so bad if he wasn't taking the whole Democratic party with him. Why am I so worried about the Democrats? Because Republicans work better when they have healthy competition. Imagine having to deal with any politician who knows he will be reelected easily because of the mess that the competition has made for themselves. Where is the motivation to continue doing the "will" of the people? The high ideals that they hold for themselves? Yeah. Right. No.
When Democrats move toward the left, the Republicans seem to move further to the right too. Their ideology becomes more extreme and less tolerant of compromise as they gain more control of the government. I'm sorry, but that sounds awful no matter which political party is in control.
We get two extremes running the parties and no middle ground covered. Who wins? I guess the person with the most biting comeback or the guy who screams the loudest. It certainly isn't the American people...
(Cross posted at MVRWC)
Posted by Jody at 12:41 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 19, 2005
A recent comment by "Morris"
A recent comment by "Morris" from my last post:Anti-government people like you make me sick! People died for this country while you sat on your a--.If you don't have a clue what you're talking about, please don't comment and please read more than a post that contains a sentence before you decide what I believe and stand for.
Ignorance is never pretty but it is pretty funny...
Posted by Jody at 10:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 18, 2005
I thought I had lost
I thought I had lost my sense of humor for a minute...but I found it. It's always the last place you look.Moving along...
Posted by Jody at 11:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yes, I know Katie and
Yes, I know Katie and Tom...blah, blah, blah. But what I want to know, what is up with her mouth? Why can she only talk out of one side of it?Posted by Jody at 12:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 17, 2005
Who is Susan Torres?
Jason has quit his job to be with her at the hospital and the bills are mounting, a fund has been set up if you feel that you can help: http://www.susantorresfund.org/
Read more about this story here.
Posted by Jody at 08:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I hate blogger. Now where
I hate blogger.Now where do I go from here?
Posted by Jody at 12:54 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 16, 2005
Guess what? I am a
I don't mind you not agreeing with me. Honestly I don't care if you disagree, it doesn't matter much to me. Your opinion is NOT as valued as others in my life, but doesn't that make sense? Would you want me to honestly care what some person on the internet is saying about me? How insecure and sad would that make me?
And here's the biggest shock of all: I don't hate you. I don't hate liberals. I don't hate anyone. Just not my style. Sorry to disappoint you. I'm sure if you look under the next rock, you'll be able to find some hate spewing garbage to fill your mind. So if you're not happy with what I write, move along to the next blog, please!
Posted by Jody at 10:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
From Merri's Musings: According the
From Merri's Musings:Who is responsible for this? Who can we sue? Because that's what our society has become. A bunch of "victims" who need to sue for coffee being spilt or getting fat on big Macs but we certainly can't protect the real victims of society. Want to hear more? Merri has it.According the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC):
- 85% to 90% of the 876,213 persons reported missing to America's law enforcement agencies in 2000 were juveniles (persons under 18 years of age). That means that 2,100 times per day parents or primary care givers felt the disappearance was serious enough to call law enforcement.
- 152,265 of the persons reported missing in 2000 were categorized as either endangered or involuntary.
- The number of missing persons reported to law enforcement has increased from 154,341 in 1982 to 876,213 in 2000. That is an increase of 468%.
Posted by Jody at 10:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 15, 2005
Okay here's the confession that
Okay here's the confession that will not make me very popular, but I was never very popular to begin with: I hated being part of the Terri Schiavo "blog- a- thon" at the end.I don't want to name names but some people hijacked a wonderful purposed group and created a screaming parade of psychotic idiots who were emotional and crazed and blind to the law. And honestly, I was one of them. I backed off when someone asked me, what do you want them to do, storm the nursing home and kidnap her like they did Elian Gonzalez...oh...and something sunk in my heart because I knew I was losing a battle.
Please don't take this as a criticism toward Blogs for Terri as a blog or even as a group, I just feel that it got a bit "crazy" toward the end. Sometimes when someone believes something so much they become zealous and blind to anything but their end goal, usually when that happens, they fail to change minds because people just turn off. Are you surprised to hear me say this? Maybe.
I hated the criticism toward our president and the governor of Florida because they refused to "stretch" the laws established to save Terri, especially because if Jeb Bush had not taken the steps long before, she would have died years ago. They had done what they could.
I also hated with a passion the martyrdom that Terri was given because her passing fell around Easter time. There is still an idiotic ignorant picture of Terri superimposed on Jesus looking up as though they are both saints and martyrs and sacrificial lambs floating around the internet. No. Terri was just a poor woman who needed a voice not a saint, certainly not a savior.
Why did I keep blogging so long for Terri's cause? Because my original intent to give Terri's life worth, to give her a voice was still worthwhile. We were all trying to do the right thing by her and her family because it had become such a public thing. And yes, we may have gone overboard.
But The Gun-Toting Liberal says now with the autopsy results showing indeed that Terri's brain was atrophied and beyond repair that he was wrong to fight for Terri. Well I disagree. I still feel we were right. Why? Because for the years and years that Terri was alive after her accident, she never received the testing required to determine if she were brain dead. Terri never once received an MRI that renowned neurologists recommended she receive to confirm her diagnosis. There were too many questions still unanswered.
How do we now know for sure that Terri was a vegetable? Because some doctor took her corpse, pierced her skin, sawed through her skull and looked at her brain. That's the only way we know now, why couldn't we have known before she was sentenced to death?
Yes, we were zealous about saving her life, but they were zealous about killing her. Certainly, there is no shame in erring on the side of life. No one should die because of court order. No government should be allowed to take a life, no person should be allowed to take a life. And if you disagree, I certainly hope that you will not be the one making my medical decisions. I will stand firm that only God can give life and only God can take it.
Update: Michelle Malkin has more on the autopsy report and you simply must read The Anchoress' post on Terri.
(also posted at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy)
Update2: I did not intend to delete the comments below and they are not actually just deleted, just in purgatory and no, I will never figure out how to retrieve them. To make matters worse, the permalink HAS changed so anyone linking to this post before is now linking to...nothing. Sorry, it has been a rough day. I will work on fixing tomorrow (who am I kidding? I won't). Thank you all who were supportive and gracious in your comments and links. I do appreciate it.
Posted by Jody at 09:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I've always wondered what it'd
Posted by Jody at 12:20 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Posted by Jody at 12:18 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 14, 2005
What a lively ball hosted
What a lively ball hosted by Darleen, Right Girl and Denita. Head on over and see the lovely array of refreshments being served (watch out for the punch though -- I think it's spiked!)... and as always you can join the afterparty at Cotillion. Who ever said being a girl wasn't fun, was never a debutante...
Posted by Jody at 07:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 13, 2005
Blue's Clues...which is over. So
Blue's Clues...which is over. So back to being mommy. Have I posted everything I wanted to? NEVER!Posted by Jody at 08:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well, that's just crazy. Check
Well, that's just crazy. Check out Mamatonezz's wonderful reminder how two high profile political figures can put away the politics and still be friends and help each other out. (Condi fans - this is a MUST click!)Posted by Jody at 08:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The mother of the child
The mother of the child was insane. You need credible witnesses to prove something happened. Come on. This guy will never be convicted because the only people willing to let their kids around him are completely mental.If you are a parent who is even considering an invitation to Neverland Ranch, then you are an IDIOT.
Just like this story found by Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild about the mother who kept her son in the basement with a shovel on the door and told him "Stay down there until I come back." because she feared her pitbulls might attack. What did she say when she returned home and found her 12 -year old dead? "Typical Nicky, he wouldn't listen to me."
PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN, PEOPLE!!! Do I need to distribute a handbook? Rule #1: Keep kids away from sharp objects and pitbulls. Rule #2: Keep kids away from Michael Jackson. Is this really that hard to understand?!
Posted by Jody at 08:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Just to remind y'all, Cotillion
Just to remind y'all, Cotillion will have their ball tomorrow. The hostesses for tomorrow's party will be Darleen, Girl on the Right and Denita from Who Tends the Fires... it should be interesting. ;)Posted by Jody at 08:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I am just staring at
I am just staring at the computer screen at my beautiful blog (well actually I am staring at the post entry screen, but let's just pretend). A special thanks to Tammy who did a wonderful job, if you would like Tammy to do what she has done for my blog and for countless others then tough! I'm the only one who can have such a nice blog, so there!Or just go to her blog and talk to her about designing your site. She'll do what she did for me; take an already great logo (thanks, Darlene) and reformat it or she'll take a blog in desperate need of help and make it shine (see Cotillion).
Did you see the sidebars?!
Now that my blog is so pretty, no need to worry about silly things like content...so I'm going to sit back and watch people just come to see how pretty it is...
...still waiting...
and waiting....
...ok, I'm going to go blog something right now!
Posted by Jody at 08:18 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tammy from A Mom and
Oh-- and not to worry! As I have already been asked: NO. The logo is NOT changing. Darlene did such a wonderful job and it is truly "me". Tammy is just helping me with the format and to give me two sidebars because that means more blogroll links! :)
Posted by Jody at 10:35 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 11, 2005
Unlike the current "feminist" mantra
I can't stand the left extremist view that men and women are the same or that men must be attacked and hated in order for women to be elevated. It makes no sense and it inherently tells us that our natural way of being is wrong. According to the "feminists", we should be just as aggressive, just as loud, just as bold, just as spontaneous as a man. It devalues our natural tendencies to hold back and examine the situation, to think it through and to talk it over. Those natural tendencies can be very important in the business world or as a mother. Just because a woman does things differently doesn't mean it isn't just as good as how a man does it.
So why are "feminists" trying to tell women that they need to be more like men?
I like Lorie Byrd's attitude in her column "Women should embrace the Blogosphere":
Whatever the reason for the small percentage of female political bloggers, I definitely do not buy the “Woe is me, I can’t succeed in the blogosphere because I am a woman” excuse. For those who do buy it, anonymity is an available option. A blogger’s gender can quite easily be kept a mystery.This relates to almost everything. If your excuse for not being a success is your gender or your race or your past, then you will never succeed. Those are things that can not be changed and those are things that most likely only bother you. There are too many good things about being a "girl" that I refuse to dwell on a few stupid people who may have passed me over for a job because they didn't want to hire someone who could cost them in maternity leave or have to take a few days off to care for a sick child. That was their loss, not mine and I'm sure my current employer would agree.Like many southern women, instead of complaining that my gender is limiting me in any area, I choose to look at the ways my gender can be used to my advantage.
(emphasis added)
You women in the feminist movement want to do some good instead of being angry all the time? Work on making sure women know the value of education and the value of themselves. Educate men and women about their inherent differences and let them know that they are strengths for both genders. Work on getting over your anger and hatred and stop your stupid, ignorant attacks toward women who don't agree with your "men and women are the same" crap.
And just get over yourselves.
(Oh, and in the same article, Lorie says that "The Cotillion is a perfect example of one group of conservative female bloggers that is showcasing the uniqueness of their female voices" -- Thanks Lorie!)
And Beth at MVRWC is fired up about this subject too, so go see what she has to say.
Posted by Jody at 02:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 10, 2005
Fridays. Rock.
Fridays. Rock.Posted by Jody at 10:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Congratulations to FireWolf for achieving
Congratulations to FireWolf for achieving six wonderful months of blogging!! Another blogger reached that milestone on the fourth of this month, but she forgot and didn't mention it so she won't mention it, and no I'm not mentioning it either.Posted by Jody at 07:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
From Sondra K: We've been
From Sondra K:We've been sadly informed that despite all our efforts (mine vis a vis) our 82nd Airborne Division has slipped through our troop support radar somehow in the mad shuffle of paperwork and info transfer. We have approx. 2000 guys and gals that need our letters and thoughts right now during this hard fought battle and I KNOW we can cover each and every one! Please, peeps....this is VERY important...don't ask why, just DO!
Contact either Stepperg or Sondra K for information. We'll forward to the brass and you'll get a reply within a day. Let's get back in gear, folks!
They willingly serve our country, risk their lives continually and sacrifice for our freedoms... yeah, I think the least we could do is send them some mail. Who is willing to take a little time to do this?
Posted by Jody at 12:44 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 08, 2005
My favorite part of this
My favorite part of this whole Howard Dean thing where he called said all Republicans were white and Christian?Ken Mehlman, the GOP Chairman's, reply when asked about Dean's comments:
...a lot of folks who attended my bar mitzvah would be surprised
Dean, a white Christian, has once again used standard the "party line" jargon that the Democrats are the party for minorities... which is why Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Elaine Chao, Mel Martinez, Norman Mineta, Roderick Paige, Alberto Gonzalez, Alphonso Jackson have all been members of the presidential cabinet of a Republican president. Darn those GOP racists not allowing minorities in! What's that about just being a party of white Christian people?And when did "Christian" become a four-letter word or an adjective used to insult someone?
I am so glad Howard Dean is the Democratic Chairman, Terry McAuliffe was never this much fun!
Posted by Jody at 11:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 07, 2005
I have heard about a
I have heard about a memo that proves everything the liberals have been saying about the Iraq war being manufactured and just a personal vendetta against the poor harmless Saddam Hussein. I was, of course, reluctant to believe such accusations but now that this memo has surfaced, I too have questions. The text of the memo, I believe states, "Bush Lied, People Died."What? Oh it doesn't say that?
What it does say that has everyone so upset:
Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy
The Downing Street Memo was written in July 23,2002; in this same memo Saddam's regime is described as:
...tough and based on extreme fear. The only way to overthrow it was likely to be by massive military action. Saddam was worried and expected an attack, probably by air and land, but he was not convinced that it would be immediate or overwhelming. His regime expected their neighbours to line up with the US. Saddam knew that regular army morale was poor. Real support for Saddam among the public was probably narrowly based.
War does not just happen, it takes months and even years of planning and consideration. And yes a case must be made. Did Bush and Blair scheme to manipulate the data to support this war? No. They worked to acquire and present a compelling case for action with the data and intelligence already in existence and confirmed those pieces of information. This was about strategy and careful planning. And, yes, a way to garner public support for another war. Yes, the data turned out to be not so reliable, but please remember that we had no way of knowing because Saddam Hussein was not letting us find out. If he truly had nothing to hide, why did he refuse inspections?
Many liberals seem to be salivating and screaming to "Impeach Bush" because of this memo. They fail to remember that the WMD was only a part of the rationale to go to war. Some other components involved : liberation of an oppressed people, the removal of a tyrannical dictator, diminishing terrorist threats, removing access to funds and weapons for terrorists and, of course, the non-compliance with U.N. sanctions. It is unfortunate that they are blind to the fact that because of Bush, Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. Any rational person would see this as a very good thing, however I believe Kerry or Hillary would prefer to see Bush out of office and Saddam still in business. How twisted is that?
Posted by Jody at 10:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ever have that moment where
Ever have that moment where you look up from your desk and realize you could just walk out and not feel too terribly bad about it?Or the feeling that you're mad at everybody?
Or that no one else seems to get it?
Ok, whew...I'm not the only one!
It has definitely been one of those days, I am just blessed that all my days aren't one of those days. On an high note, I am definitely not lacking any reading material thanks to the Cotillion ladies and I get to guest blog on one of my favorite blogs, Just a Little Bit Odd. I'm not sure what Wendy was thinking when she handed over the keys to me, but I'll be good. Honest.
Posted by Jody at 09:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Our ladies in red have

Posted by Jody at 07:28 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 06, 2005
The dance continues tomorrow.

Posted by Jody at 11:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Janette and Kate are here!
Janette and Kate are here!Janette has the New Blog Showcase up. Also look through some of her tips on how to blog especially the ones about comment ettiquette and recommended length of posts that will make your blog tested and reader approved!
And if you've still not had enough, then head on over to Kate at Small Dead Animals who hosts Carnival of Newbies and gives the tip that every blogger should follow: "If once in awhile, you aren't saying to yourself.. "Oh boy... maybe I shouldn't do this" .... you're being too careful."
Wow. Excuse me while I go write something provocative and edgy (ah who am I kidding?!)...
Posted by Jody at 07:49 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 04, 2005
We didn't know it then,
And not all she taught us was extreme, but even the truth she taught was taught with an ounce of fear and trepidation. To this day, I feel a knot in my stomach whenever I see a Bible on the floor or God forbid, in the bottom of a pile. "The Bible should be above every other Book!" "You ought never put the Bible on the floor, it is like putting Jesus there! Would you step on Jesus?" From her teaching, I learned to respect the Word of God. More than respect really, I was literally afraid of insulting God if I mishandled His Word. I believe beyond a shadow of the doubt, that Bible is the Word of God.
What does this have to do with anything?
It is just another reason to pity the Muslims and their sad religion. Apparently they too have respect for their holy book, but apparently their book is nothing more than just words and sentences and grammar and syntax. Something very fragile that can fade away from the paper. It must be protected at all costs, no life too sacred to protect over the flimsy pages of a book.
You see, we Christians, know something about our holy book. We know something about the Word of God. We know that in the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God and the Word was God. We also know that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory...
Yes, their "word" is nothing more than a few ink marks on a page. Our Word is flesh and bones and blood. Blood that two thousand years ago was shed for our sins. Flesh that was pierced. Bones that were bruised, but not broken. A life that died but could not be kept in the grave... The Word we have is more than just a book.
Which is why I guarantee you that true Christians would never kill if they heard someone was flushing the Bible down the toilet, they may become angry, they may become sad, or like me have a deep knot in my stomach and grief that someone treated such a revered book so terribly. But we would never kill. Because we know, the true Word is alive and can never be destroyed.
Posted by Jody at 11:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 03, 2005
I do think I'm funny...sometimes.
I do think I'm funny...sometimes. (No. I won't tell you which times...figuring it out for yourself is half the fun of reading my blog! The other half of the fun is knowing that this isn't your blog...)Posted by Jody at 11:32 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Since group blogs seem all
- Quality is over rated. No one really likes quality anyway.
- Punctuation and rules of grammar are optional.
- Don't go all fancy and start writing things that actually make sense.
Oh...and look. I qualify! Anyone else want to join?
(Janette's advice to my blogging slump is that I should "blog through it"...so yeah, thank her for this post, too.)
Posted by Jody at 09:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
...or something like that. Being
Posted by Jody at 09:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 02, 2005
Can we just pretend for
Can we just pretend for a minute? Please?Posted by Jody at 09:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
1. No matter what

Posted by Jody at 08:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 01, 2005
Is it just me, or
Is it just me, or does Mark Felt, a.k.a. Deepthroat, look like Kirk Douglas?

Yeah, if you were expecting some deep analysis about the ramifications of Deep Throat revealing himself, you so came to the wrong blog...
Posted by Jody at 10:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Call it wishful thinking but
Call it wishful thinking but when I heard Senior President George H.W. Bush's comments regarding his son Jeb's white house bid, I couldn't help but dream of the possibilities, another Bush president:Former President Bush had said the night before that he would like to see the Florida governor run for the White House. “Someday I would, yes,” said the elder Bush, who turns 81 this month. He said Jeb Bush would be “awfully good” as president. “This guy’s smart, big and strong,” he said of his son. “Makes the decisions. And you know, not without controversy, but he’s led that state."But a DYNASTY! You are in danger of destroying all that is good and holy and no, you can't have another Bush president because of the appearances. Oh my! It would be horrible! Or Something hysterical like that.
Unfortunately Jeb's last name, might overshadow the fact that he has been a great Governor of Florida and could potentially be a great President as well.
But don't worry, Jeb still says he's not going to run. I hope that isn't a shame for all of us.
Posted by Jody at 08:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
This has been an exciting
Thank you all for supporting us and the wonderful comments you've left at everyone's blogs (the not so wonderful comments, we just won't mention) and for the links to our sites. We hope to have a good dance for you every Tuesday, so bring your dancing shoes, put your white gloves on and keep Cotillion in mind...or on your blogroll...
Yes, I know other things happened today other than Cotillion's debut. But for the life of me, I can't figure out what...
Update: Ann Althouse, Mary Katherine from TownHall C-Log and Instapundit were also gracious enough to link to Cotillion... and yes, to confirm the rumors, Beth and Janette will have to pay up.
Posted by Jody at 12:11 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack