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May 31, 2005
What is the Cotillion?

What is the Cotillion?
First and foremost, it is a celebration of the diverse voice that is the conservative woman. Not just one person can speak for us, and no one person should have that obligation. There are so many of us here and willing to share our thoughts and our ideas that it seems a shame that woman in the blogosphere have been outshined by the men.
Name five women in the top twenty of the Ecosystem. Can you do it?
Last February, Kevin Drum could only name three in the top thirty. Once again, the boys seem to have a headstart on this "blog" thing, but that doesn't mean that we can't show them a thing or two. This isn't about making it an "us" versus "them" thing either, it's just about celebrating and highlighting some of the best female writers that shine.
Our intention is to be able to give the reader a wonderful place to start their journey into the feminine side of the blogosphere. And to show everyone that although we may not have the "links" of an Instapundit, we certainly have enough opinions to make up for it.
We hope to stick around, not take ourselves too seriously and maybe just enlighten everyone about who the conservative woman really is...
And so the dance begins.

It is my pleasure to present:
Rightwingsparkle sparkles with "Understanding Christian Conservatives 101". Since they can be a difficult lot to sometimes figure out, she uses her patience and wit to explain it to those who may not quite get it:
sisu reveals "La Petite Illusion" saying that "Old European eyes could use a new pair of lenses":You don't know or understand Christians (or those of deep faith from other religions) too well, or you wouldn't dismiss our concerns on social issues. The idea of Arlen Spector as head of the judiciary committee doesn't bother you a bit, yet it horrifies us. Another 'moderate' supreme court judge seems fine to you. Good God! Look what the moderate ones have brought us so far. If all you seem to care about are the economic issues, then we become the Republicans the democrats imagine us to be, greedy and self involved.
I have told my American friends that the region in this world that has seen the most transformation and change is Central and Eastern Europe -- without shedding a drop of blood. So don't preach to us," snipped the head-in-the-sand, history-challenged German ambassador to the U.S., Wolfgang Ischinger in a New Yorker interview recently...Meanwhile, in less nuanced parts of the world, some prefer to believe their own eyes.
Kate of small dead animals says that "I concede" (but I don't really think she does) in this great "must read" post:
So, to my fellow moderate, mainstream, compromising Liberal Canadian citizens so tolerant of the mischievious ways of our political masters - today I concede.
You win. I lose. You are right. I was wrong. You were always right, and I was always wrong. Having broken the shackles of black and white, I'm ready to venture into this brave new ethical world of "Grey" and work with you. I can't say I understand it, but nonetheless - it's time to adapt.
The American Princess tells us "Why I do this", her lofty goals and ideals put most of us bloggers to shame, but maybe this is why she does "this" so well:
This is no meager argument about judicial activism, Howard Dean, or the 2006 elections, though, as a scholar of foreign relations and government, an experienced political activist, and a news junkie, that composes a susbstantial part of the output, this is about something much, much deeper. It is about supporting the spread of democratic ideals, the promotion of free-market
economics, the protection of true free speech, including the freedom of religion, and a deep-seeded concern for the sanctity and dignity of human life, even in its most innocent forms.
The Anchoress examines the tensions of Muslims and Americans here and abroad in "Oh, Yeah this is Recent Hate" answering the question posed by an Arabic writer: Why do you American hate the Muslims so much?
America “hates” so many Muslims that it allows its sons and daughters to die to liberate millions of them from tyranny and oppression, but we “hate” them? America “hates” Muslims as they build schools and hospitals for them?
Fausta keeper of The Bad Hair Blog blogs about Star Wars much, N.J. taxes, a little Venezuela and alot of Spain. What did you expect her to choose just one wonderful post to highlight? Did she expect me to choose for her? Never, dahling, as everyone knows: a lady is entitled to many many opinions. An exerpt from the "Sith":
Hey! Chewy's back! But, in the Planet of the Apes?
Denita of Who Tends the Fires writes beautifully about our "Beautiful Freedoms":
I was not told when I must wake or get out of bed, my only obligation is to attend to the needs of my son and husband. My clothing is my own style, not something I'm expected to wear or die for the crime of showing too much skin. My computer is connected to a mind-bending floodgate of information that I can read of my own free will; the only thing my family is expected to do is pay for the facilities once a month. I need not fear having my door kicked in for the crime of reading whatever I wanted, or the crime of expressing my opinions in a public forum.
Beth from Yeah, Right, Whatever is truly a lady. She not only gives screamingly funny and true observations at Walmart, she also can tan with the best of them:
Let's look at this logically, for just a moment. Human beings survived for millennia in a mostly agrarian society before the invention of sun screen. So... there must be something in our anatomy that protects us (and there's also a reason why people in climates closer to the equator have darker skin- more protection). But... that's not to say that it's healthy to coat yourself with Crisco™ and intentionally cook yourself for the sake of beauty.
Oh, but the party is not over yet...

Janette of Common Sense Runs Wild presents:
- A Mom and Her Blog
- An American Housewife
- And Rightly So!
- Armies of Liberation
- Crystal Clear
- Darleen's Place
- e-Claire
- Feisty Repartee
- Fistful of Fortnights

Beth of My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy hosts a wonderful bunch of ladies as well. Go on over and say hello to:
- Florida Cracker
- Girl on the Right
- Ilyka Damen
- KelliPundit
- Knowledge Is Power: SondraK.com
- Little Miss Attila
- Mamamontezz's Mental Rumpus Room
- Merri Musings
- NotADesperateHousewife
Posted by Jody at 08:51 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
All too often in the
All too often in the blogosphere the following annoying question comes up: “Where are the female bloggers?” Beth of My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Jody of Steal the Bandwagon and I asked the following ladies to join us in the very special project of answering that question. The participants were invited based solely on our enjoyment of their blogs. Traffic and linkage played no role in our decision as to who to include, we simply enjoy their work and we thought that you may too.Our purpose is to raise the visibility of some great female bloggers in hopes that we never have to deal with a certain annoying question again.
Part One
A Mom and Her Blog taking on a tough subject that should concern everyone in the blogosphere: Tammy presents How Screwed Up Is This? She highlights the problem of repeat violent criminal offenders and the current epidemic of violence against children. She also suggests a solution.
This is no way to treat a lady: Carol, the Lady of the blog at An American Housewife is appalled by the treatment of Laura Bush during her recent trip to Jerusalem. She also marvels at the graciousness of another real lady in Laura Bush Gets Heckled.
This lady is a bitch: Raven at And Rightly So! Embraces the former slur, Bitch. After reading her reasoning I’ll be proud for you to call me one too.
So far we’ve had a Mom, a Lady and a Bitch, let’s toss things up a little and bring in a Jane Novak the Docile Pupil of a Monkey Monk. No really. Some pissy Yemenis are on the case of Jane at Armies of Liberation. Go and be awed by the power of a woman in the blogosphere enraging the right people around the world.
We’re waiting for her to write that book: Proving that conservative bloggers have not forgotten Terri Schiavo, Crystal boils down the entire problem with the Terri’s case in One Finder of Fact .
A braver woman than I: Darleen admits to trolling the “leftist blogs for snorts and chuckles.” My first thought was better her than me there’s usually not a long enough shower in the world to wash off that stench. After reading her post How Do They Do It? –Some Answers I have to say I’m glad she’s willing to take one for the team.
A simple tootsie in the country but a goddess in the blogosphere: Claire gives the President some excellent advice on how to deal with Amnesty International in Hey, Dubya –Don’t Feed the Moonbats.
Proving that girls don’t always like surprises (and men can like them even less): Christina at Feisty Repartee proves that women generally hit what they’re aiming for in Date From Hell.
A woman not afraid of a fight: Sadie submits a post taking on the arguments as to why there’s a lack of women in the upper tiers of the blogosphere. Screw Diversity is an attempt to head off affirmative action in the Ecosystem.
The other two-thirds of The Cotillion's debut: Beth and Jody.
Written by Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild.
Posted by Jody at 08:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a woman of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Emperor Misha
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Ace
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game *
We ladies have gathered together for the presentation of these dazzling darlings of the blogosphere, and yes, proper etiquette dictates that you shall kindly direct your devoted attention to each of these fine young women! Please, gentlemen callers, remove your hats indoors in their presence! I do declare!
So, on to the lovely ladies! (No, not on them...oh, nevermind. Bless your hearts.)

Laziness, indeed. Florida Cracker finds a bit of (well, unsurprising) laziness in a "would-be moving" story in the Houston Chronic(le). Nice try there, buddy boy, but no cigar.

With this, ladies and gentlemen callers, I bid you adieu and affectionately request that you direct your faithful attention to the other two groups of ladies, courtesy of the lovely and talented Miss Jody and Miss Janette!
It has been my greatest pleasure to *cough* entertain *cough* you!
Posted by Jody at 08:31 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 30, 2005
Thank you for believing in
Happy Memorial Day. 2005.
Posted by Jody at 08:20 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Intelligent. Beautiful. Conservative. Who wouldn't

Coming Tomorrow. May 31,2005.
Posted by Jody at 12:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 29, 2005
Translated: NO to the Constitution

Okay, I'm downright giddy. Anything that has Jacques Chirac upset can't be all that bad. The French rejected the first EU Constitution:
Although Chirac argued that the constitution would streamline EU decision-making and make the bloc more accessible to its 450 million citizens, opponents feared it would strip France of its sovereignty and generous social system and trigger an influx of cheap labor.
Posted by Jody at 09:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Because I have a hard
A Stripper. For his birthday party.
What an awful, ignorant woman. I can't understand what person in their right mind would think that an appropiate gift for a 16-year old is a stripper. Anette Pharris has now been indicted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and involving a minor in obscene acts. The boy's father and the stripper also face charges.
"I tried to do something special for my son,” Pharris said. “It didn’t harm him.”
Anette Pharris took photos at the party and tried to have them developed at a nearby drug store. Drug store employees notified authorities, police said.
“Who are they to tell me what I can and can’t show to my own children?” the mother said.
Posted by Jody at 03:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 28, 2005
Janette from Common Sense Runs
Janette from Common Sense Runs Wild has gone completely mad. Which would be fine, but she has taken me with her. Phil Spector.I just can't get over the hair.
Now I said his hair was similar to a troll doll:
Pulpit Pounder commented that it was the Ben Wallace 'do:
Janette suggested Chia Pet:
Now I'm just wondering, maybe it just reminds me of the person with the most bad hair days in history:
Don King
or Jeff:
Posted by Jody at 10:11 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 27, 2005
Oh wait. That's not a
Oh wait. That's not a Troll Doll, it's Phil Spector!
(hat tip: Common Sense Runs Wild)
Posted by Jody at 10:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 26, 2005
The Carnival of Comedies is
In more IMAO news (how's that for a transition?), apparently Harvey will be using the site to host next week's new blog showcase. I encourage every blogger who has a blog 3 months or younger to submit something next week, even if you submitted something to my attempt to host...actually ESPECIALLY if you submitted something for last Monday's post. IMAO will definitely send a lot of traffic your way, just because they get...oh...a couple more thousand hits a day than I do. Yeah, if I get a thousand hits in a week, I think I'm cool.
Go to the New Blog Showcase site for more information, it will be worth your time!
Posted by Jody at 10:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Late (well, late for me)
Yes. I thought about keeping the mispelling, but I didn't know what was worst: Looking like an idiot because I mispelled compromise. Or looking like an idiot because I had sent out a bunch of dead-linked trackbacks... I chose the latter but now I'm thinking the worst thing is blogging about the whole thing in the first place... oh wait. Ugh.
Posted by Jody at 08:08 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 25, 2005
As much as I have
Um. No. First of all, it seems to me that many people who are so upset are under the impression that just because the Democrats hold the minority in the Senate, they should just lie down and let the Republicans have everything they want. Really? Well let me tell you this, if I were a constituent of one of those minority players I would expect my Senator to fight full force for my belief system and my ideals regardless how many other Senators held memberships to his party. I would be downright upset if the Senator I voted for and sent to D.C. ended up not trying to have a voice in the proceedings.
The Democrats should have a say. They should be able to "advise" the president, and although I have never been a great big fan of filibusters, it is a constitutional option. And it apparently is working for the Democrats in some aspects. They have been very effective in blocking judicial nominees. They have been so effective in fact that the majority party was forced into a compromise to get a little of what each party wanted and to be able to move on to more important matters (...yeah, all this filibuster stuff was getting in their way of investigating...um...baseball...ok bad example).
Second of all, if the Republicans can just "take a chill pill" for a minute and relax, they need to realize that no matter how effective the filibustering has been, there have been negatives. Anything that makes the Democrats look like the nay sayers that they are, in my book, can't be all that bad. Have you forgotten Tom Daschle? He was politically killed because of filibusters. If we could be patient and let other Democrats self destruct, then it wouldn't be so bad. Instead Republicans are getting just as crazed and out there as our Democrat friends...and they all look like kindergarteners that skipped naptime. It's not pretty. When playing politics: Try not to look like the crazy ones.
Third. As wonderful as this Republican majority fest has been, it's not going to last. What? Did I say something you truly did not know? Sure, we can work hard and try to keep it afloat as long as possible, but usually when one party gets more control, they tend to have more opportunity to mess it up. So now, Mr. Republican (or Mrs. Republican!) let's say in ten or so years, you're the minority party. And a judicial nominee comes up that is against your every ideal. You can't stand the fact that this person could be deciding on important matters for this nation for the rest of their life. This person in your mind, is not a person you want in a judiciary position. What are your options? What do you do?
If we go "nuclear" now...then we won't have a chance later. (I wanted to add, "DUH" at the end of this sentence but I just thought that might seem petty.)
What? Not convinced to "chill out"? Well Decision '08 says we should be "chillin' like a villain". Go see his "Coalition of the Chillin'" ... and Beth at MVRWC says "I have to say, I wonder just how “conservative” some of the people are who complain about the compromise are, if they’re willing to bolt on ONE issue–whether the nuclear option is invoked. " Ouch. Rightpundit has a wait and see attitude and says it might not be too bad. And Ogre is cool, calm and collected ...well as calm as an Ogre could be... (who by the way doesn't have Ogre's Politics and Views on your blogroll, yet?!)
Okay, now who wants to disagree?
Posted by Jody at 11:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
From the Orlando Sentinel: A
From the Orlando Sentinel:A grand jury indicted the 32-year-old woman on one count of making a false police report, a misdemeanor, and one count of false statement, a felony, said Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter.The felony charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, he said. The other count carries a penalty of up to a year."We believe this is a reasonable next step in the case. We believe the grand jury made the right decision," Porter said."At some point you just can't lie to the police," he said. A bench warrant will be issued for Wilbanks' arrest within the next few days, he added. No court date has been set.This indictment does not rule out a possible plea agreement to lesser charges, Porter said.
I think Jennifer Wilbanks learned this the hard way...well, hopefully she learned something from this mess .
Technorati tag: jennifer wilbanks
Posted by Jody at 12:21 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 24, 2005
I am not sure how
Though anonymous sources have been spreading the rumors for several months, it was not until I saw the pictures that I knew that the rumors could be confirmed.
A high level official in the United States Government has indeed married a low level blogger.
Click here for all the sordid details...
He is most definitely in love, and we all, myself included, doubted him when he spoke of his beloved wife. Although the ceremony was in a top secret undisclosed location, they made one fatal mistake in their flawless plan to unite in holy matrimony...actually they made two mistakes:
Two. They hired Evil Sarah K from Mountaineer Musing fame to be the photographer. She was easily bribed to relinquish never before published pictures (Evil Sarah K's price by the way is $3.00 and a bag of Doritos...who knew?)... hmm she takes a good picture though:
(Thanks Sir Kisser for the beautiful work done here!)
Posted by Jody at 12:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 23, 2005
Janette over at Common Sense
Janette over at Common Sense Runs Wild, aka ONE OF THE BEST BLOGGERS EVER is celebrating her 500th post at her blog! I think that is wonderful and she should be congratulated. It takes immense talent to be able to write something after 500 posts that so many people still want to read. I can only hope I can be as half as interesting and relevant when my 500th post comes around... if my 500th post comes around...Congratulations, Janette! Make sure to head on over there and wish her a happy 500 more!
Posted by Jody at 11:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
They finally let me

Common Folk Using Common Sense submits "When Diversity becomes Discrimination":
The report explains that the first 10 slots in certain classes are reserved for students who "identify as being African-American, Asian-American/Pacific Islander, Chicano/Latino, Native American or multiracial" so as to "provide a comforting environment that minority students may not get in other classes." How much longer will it take for those who run America's institutions of higher learning to learn that purportedly worthy goals do not justify racial discrimination?
It's really hard to feel sorry for someone who is given the royal treatment considering the treatment he routinely gave to others. If there is a crime that has been committed in this whole affair, it is the fact that he is being treated so well!
The Pulpit Pounder wants everyone to know that the "Dictionary--A Tool, Not an Argument":
Could somebody explain to me why there seems to be this fad in the blogosphere to trot out a favorite dictionary every time an issue is being discussed, point to a definition, and go "AHA, look, I can find a dictionary that agrees with my view, you lose!"
Pitiful Blather (gotta love that name!) blathers about "Blathering about Storms Indoor and Out":
YES! Praise be to all that is good and holy! The first thunderstorm of spring! I am ecstatic. The one and only thing that mars what would otherwise be a sublime moment of experiential perfection is my brain-damaged dog. Hereinafter to be known as?well, Brain-Damaged Dog, or BD Dog.
Enlightenment Reactionary submits "Russia Threatens Force Over US Weapons Plans--Or--Still Spending the Peace Dividend ", using the "new expanded Koran" to explain these "complex times":
And so it came to pass that He whom is evil incarnate, George W. Bush, as well as his hordes of infidel followers, offended peace-loving Muslims the world over by their ostentatious display of paved streets, flush toilets, and buildings blasphemously taller than any mosque, forcing us to incinerate unbelievers who had committed the crime of having jobs and good dental hygiene.
What A Life contributes "A Reel Movie Review - Star Wars Episodio III", I'm just a bit upset because the plot is totally ruined in this review, I mean, did you know Darth Vader was Luke and Leia's father? Who knew? Anyways take a look at this very unusual funny review:
Speaking of Darth Vader...one Spring Break when I was in college at the UT, I went to Padre (or as people not from Texas say - South Padre Island). My friends and I crossed the border to Matamoros, Mexico to party at the clubs there because that was the cool (and unsafe) thing to do.
TS Right Dominion asks "Who Are The Right Wing Extremists?":
So Priscilla Owens and Janice Rogers Brown are extremists, huh? What about someone like the 1993 Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Here's someone SO extreme, that it sounds like she'd be great paired up with the likes of Ward Churchill or Michael Moore! Thing is, the leftists know that if Bush's nominees get through, they've truly lost. The judiciary is the only stronghold they have left in government now that the GOP has overtaken the White House, Congress, most governorships and state legistatures, and their hold on the media is fading away.
The Smirk presents "Horny Pills":
When I became a teenage, I refused to drink milk. My mother worried about my growing bones, so she gave me calcium supplements to take. I gladly took the calcium pills because milk was gross and I hated it.These particular supplements that she bought had a pretty green coating on them and I carried some of them around in my purse along with a couple of aspirins.
What?! You haven't had enough of the showcase? Well I was hoping you'd say that! Click here to read more...
First of all, if you want even more talented new bloggers to peruse, University Blog has posted a list some of these newer members of the blogosphere. A very good resource to check out.
Now I thought it'd be fun to include some great links that might help some newer bloggers out (and we might all learn something as well), so here are some of the great secrets of blogging (we are allowed to reveal this stuff, right?):
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Blogging" posted on Mudville Gazette
Bad Example's wonderful blogging tips:
And now a helpful hint to all the new bloggers out there, if you want to be successful at blogging then NEVER EVER click HERE.
Well folks that's the carnival. I hope you enjoyed the show! Feel free to trackback and comment and if you're a new blogger make sure to submit a post for next week's showcase. And if you're an experienced blogger, why haven't you signed up to host yet?
I mean, they had to resort to letting me do it for goodness sake!Posted by Jody at 07:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 22, 2005
I am hosting the NEW
Update 2: You know, another fun thing to do if you're a blogger that's been around longer than 3 months is to sign up to host this thing...
And yes, this post will stay at the top for the weekend, so scroll down. I might even write a post today...
Posted by Jody at 01:36 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 21, 2005
Since Mary Kay Letourneau was
Since Mary Kay Letourneau was released from prison and her and her new husband's intentions of continuing a relationship were known, the Hollywood "media" has turned this into a star crossed romance. The modern day Romeo and Juliet. She too old, society disapproves and sends her to prison. He a young student, only 14 but "knows" his heart. And finally love triumphs and the critics are silenced. And they marry and live happily ever after.Please. There have been many instances where a victim of abuse returns to his or her abuser. This is not romance. It is not love. Love is patient and kind and more than a horrible perverted women taking away a child's innocence and forcing him into a grown up's romance. Love is much better than that. So don't let the "Entertainment Tonight" special fool you.
This woman doesn't even deserve the time it took for me to write this blog, much less the attention she is receiving from the MSM.
Hah, the spellcheck in Blogger doesn't recognize the name "Latourneau" and it suggests using "Latrine" instead...that's appropiate.
Posted by Jody at 08:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 20, 2005
No traffic jams...yeah, you can
No traffic jams...yeah, you can take your time and be assured you're the only one reading. How's that? It's like your very own private blog. Isn't that fun?UGH.
(Yes, I know, put up something worth reading and people will come...)
Posted by Jody at 08:34 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 19, 2005
Here is my quick post
If you are driving on 95 and a horrible accident occurs and all you see for miles and miles is debris and cars piled upon cars, you know that this road will be closed for you for quite sometime. Maybe this is the highway you wanted to take, maybe you even felt that this was your only way. So now you have to choose. Do you stay where you will be stagnant and still until the road opens? Or do you try another course? The road that is closed may never open up in time for you to reach your destination, but you still have time to take another road. And start another journey to reach your destiny. What do you do?
God's will. Ever heard of it? It's that ever mystical journey that we begin as Christians to find God's will in our lives. It is the catch phrase to end all catch phrases in my Apostolic Pentecostal stomping grounds. We say it all the time, if it's His will. We wonder when we are single about His will in our lives for our spouse (thank God, that one is settled for me!). Then our career. Our ministry. Everything must be in His will. But what does it really mean? And is there just one will or many? What is the Will of God?
My thoughts about this have always centered around this premise: The closer we come to God, His desires become our own, and His will becomes our will. His purpose as we walk with Him becomes our purpose. I believe this fully, but is the will of God a destination or the journey to our destination? Is it one path or do we have many paths to achieve it? Yes. the road to heaven is straight and narrow, but I'm not referring to that road. I am referring to the map of a Christian's purpose.
A friend was recently devastated because the person she thought she was destined to marry, married someone else. She was devestated because at one time she felt that God's will for them was to marry. But he fell away from God and in doing so put her aside as well. He caused a horrific crash of dreams in this girl's life, but doesn't she have the choice to go an alternate route? And still end up where God purposed her to be?
Maybe the alternate routes are God's true path afterall. Maybe the horrific crash was all part of her learning something about disappointment. Maybe it's comforting for us to know that if we end up on a road and make a mistake or lose our way, there is still an alternate route to achieve what God purposes for us. As long as we are going the right direction and not stuck on a closed road, He is waiting for us to achieve His will in our lives.
What is the will of God to you?
Posted by Jody at 11:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 18, 2005
Well. It's official. I must
Well. It's official. I must be addicted to blogging. I must be to be blogging right now with dial-up. I wanna go home and use my nice DSL! Sigh.Where to begin? The air conditioner, or as we in Florida like to call, the only reason we stay in Florida, went out Tuesday and so the baby and I are staying with my parents. My husband is staying with his parents to help take care of my father-in-law who had a heart attack Saturday night. He is going to be fine and he was very lucky. But we were a little scared and I did get to babysit my sister-in-law's two youngest kids for a while.
Have you ever seen three carseats in the back of a little Honda Civic? No, I hadn't either, and I hope to never see it again. Her youngest is just a newborn, and her second youngest is three. My daughter, who is two, was in heaven. Of course.
Anyway, the air conditioner will be replaced next week sometime and then everything will be back to normal... well as normal as my life can get...
Hey and did you notice the pun in the title of this post? I thought that was cool. He,he. Okay, sorry. He,He... okay, it was funny to me.
So how are you doing?
Posted by Jody at 10:32 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 17, 2005
I have finally figured it
First Beth sends an "harmless" email that contains this link : Stumble! (Please, for your own sake, don't click it!)... and I have been sucked into the most insane creative websites invented ever...so now when I come to my computer, my already limited time is drastically reduce because I must...MUST...stumble...
THEN Ms. Vast Right Wing Conspiracy links to 63 days...which I spent all my blogging time last night reading...
But Jody, she links to you all the time! She's helping you! Yeah, I've figured that one out too, don't think I haven't. She links to my "off" posts, the ones that aren't quite quality filled as the other ones. Yeah cause that comments one was a classic.
NOT ONLY THAT, but Beth continues to try to show me up, doing little things like putting up a phenomenally good New Blogger's Showcase, knowing full well that I have to host next week! (New bloggers -- go to the Showcase blog to learn more)... I mean, how can I even expect to compete with what she has done this week? I have to follow that? Not really fair, now is it?
I'm on to you, sista (yeah, and I went there and used the sister with an "a", which means that I mean business)! Don't think I'm not!
Beth is also kind of scary, so if anyone asks... you don't know a thing.
Posted by Jody at 07:19 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 16, 2005
One of our own
One of our own has suffered the sudden and unexpected loss of his 33 year old twin sister. Details of this tragedy can be found at Firewolf's Blog.
Firewolf is a struggling college student and the responsibility of his sister's final arrangements have fallen on his shoulders. Any support you can offer him, whether it be in the way of prayers or financial, would be greatly appreciated. (There's a PayPal button on the right side of his blog.)
Firewolf: God bless you, your family and your sister. We'll keep all of you in our prayers.
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 01:35 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 15, 2005
This place is making me
This place is making me forget the important stuff! It wasn't until I went to An American Housewife was I subtly reminded to link a certain pirate for a certain reason that can be found here. Okay, back to...um...this.Posted by Jody at 11:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I have been receiving traffic
I have been receiving traffic lately from Google and Yahoo picking up from an old Terri Schiavo post I wrote referring to her starvation and questioning the words of her husband and his lawyer that this truly was a "painless way to die". Unfortunately, I know that the search for "A Painless Way to Die" is not a search for Terri and her awful plight but those keying in those solemn words are searching for ways to commit suicide. On the advice of Janette from Common Sense Runs Wild and with her help constructing this message, I'd like to talk about "A Painless Way to Die." I admit that I have delayed this post a bit, because it is difficult. But I understand now why it is so necessary.You think it won't matter? You are wrong.
Right now you think that no one cares, but someone does. You may think that this is the only way out, but it is not! The hurt and loneliness you feel right now is just a season. The storm will subside, you will see the light. Please don't give up. Don't give in, your life is worth something. God is there, He sees you and knows that you feel dead and empty inside. He is looking at you and while you see nothingness, He sees the hope and potential of your entire life. It is not worth ending, it is worth so much more living. You are special and you do have purpose. Please be patient and please know that He loves you more than you can ever know.
Call someone right now. A friend. A family member. Call 1-800-SUICIDE and they will help you.
Remember there is no PAINLESS WAY TO DIE.
Posted by Jody at 08:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2005
Now that a Democrat has
Rep. Robert Wexler, a Democrat from Florida, said Friday, "I have the largest amount of Social Security recipients of any Democrat anywhere in the country. My allegiance to seniors is greater than my allegiance to the Democratic Party." What's that? Allegiance to the people you serve and not the party you are a member of? Not the AARP? Or other special interests? I am absolutely shocked!
Although his proposal involves tax increases for the rich (of course, that is standard party line isn't it?), it is significant because Rep. Wexler is the first Democrat to take his head out of the sand and come to the table to reasonably discuss the issue. If you are completely unwilling to see that there is a problem, then you will be completely unable to fix it.
Oh and the best part? Nancy Pelosi's reaction, of course:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., recently quashed a meeting in which some of her fellow Democrats were set to discuss Social Security with the head of the AARP and a group of Republicans.Right, keep your head in the sand, while vision and resolve pass you by. Maybe Wexler's example will inspire others, at the very least it's keeping good old Nancy awake at nights...and that's fun too.Wexler said he had twice spoken with Pelosi about his plan. While he would not reveal her reaction, he said, “It would be wrong to assume it was a receptive conversation.”
Jennifer Crider, a Pelosi spokeswoman, said: “There are Democrats with a lot of different ideas. This is one member’s take, but it is not the Democratic plan.” (Emphasis added)
Posted by Jody at 11:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yeah the Matrix is a
Yeah the Matrix is a cool movie, but who needs it when you've got crazy kung fu ping pong?Posted by Jody at 09:52 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 13, 2005
Who doesn't love this?
Who doesn't love this?Posted by Jody at 10:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 12, 2005
He may say he
He may say he loves you, but if he hits you, calls you names, makes you feel small. He doesn't. He may say he's sorry but he really isn't. You might get an adrenaline rush everytime the fight reaches that point where he loses control. It couldn't possibly be that you let him treat you this way, you allow this to happen by staying with him. You are the victim, right? The martyr to always take him back and change him. Fine, be stupid. And eventually he'll kill you. If not physically then anything left of your spirit will absolutely die. Do whatever you want. It's your choice, it's your life.
Until. You have a baby. Then it stops being about you. Get out. He will not change and you will destroy your child's life. You might not feel your life is worth it, but your baby's life is. And if you don't, and he does harm your baby?
Then you should go to jail too. He kills your baby? You should be locked up for life too. You have a responsibility to protect your children, not him. But it's not that easy? No it's not. It takes hard work and a little bit of determination. You have nowhere to go? Go to a shelter, go to a police station, go to a hospital. Go somewhere. You think he'll kill you? He'll kill you if you stay.
Grow up and do what's right for your child. Why does your baby deserve to be abused or to die because he has a stupid mother and a violent father?
You can only be a victim if you allow it.
Posted by Jody at 08:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yeah 'cause ignoring the

Yeah 'cause ignoring the issues make them go away (yes, I am guilty too...).
Posted by Jody at 08:16 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 11, 2005
Your 8 year old daughter
A judge denied bond for Jerry Hobbs after prosecutors described a videotaped interview in court in which they said he told investigators he stabbed the girls to death. Hobbs’ daughter, Laura Hobbs, and her friend Krystal Tobias, 9, were found dead Monday in a park in Zion, the day after they vanished.
The 34-year-old father, who had been released from a Texas prison last month, told investigators he was angry at Laura when he tracked her and Krystal in the wooded park, punched her and then killed both girls, prosecutors said.
John Peterson. Jerry Hobbs. And then there's the sicko who killed his wife, mother-in-law, his three children in California.
Yes. I am angry. And disgusted. And you should be too. It is our duty to protect those who can't protect themselves. Why are we failing them so miserably?
Posted by Jody at 10:15 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Rightpundit brings to attention The
Rightpundit brings to attention The Washington Times article that states:The war in Iraq is increasingly looking more like a showdown with Osama bin Laden?s al Qaeda followers than a battle primarily against Saddam Hussein loyalists.
****?In the Muslim world and extremist world, this fight for Iraq is their key battle,? said Gen. McInerney. ?If they lose it, they lose the war. And so the imams are inciting young people, not particular well-educated, to head to Iraq. Most are going through Syria via Damascus.
?This is why Iraq is such a fundamental part of the global war on terrorism. When we finally defeat Muslim extremists, it will be the battle in Iraq that defeats them."
Yeah. Did you need a reminder?
Posted by Jody at 08:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yeah, that's about right.

Yeah, that's about right.
Posted by Jody at 06:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Anthony Federov should be singing
Anthony Federov should be singing show tunes in high school chorus NOT performing on national TV... okay, that's it. Back to your regularly scheduled non-blogging...Posted by Jody at 12:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 10, 2005
Hmmm... I guess the rumors
Posted by Jody at 09:22 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 09, 2005
Second graders. That just hurts
Second graders. That just hurts to write. 9-year old, Krystal Tobias and 8-year old, Laura Hobbs, were found stabbed multiple times and left to die in a park in Northern Illinois."They were best friends," said Laura Unrein, who lives near the park. "When one left, the other left. They were always together."
Our society can no longer protect our most innocent victims. These girls deserved so much more than the last horror filled moments of their lives. Why? How? Who could be so selfish to take these baby girls lives? Who could be so uncaring? So inhuman? So disgusting and vile and sick? Who thinks that they have the right to play God?
Jesus, help them all. Help us all.
Posted by Jody at 09:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
In Australia, a group of
In Australia, a group of 20 prisoners overtook a prison guard and held him hostage in the reception area of the prison, pledging to release them only after their list of 24 demands were met.They settled for delivery of 15 pizzas.
I hope that extra pepperoni was enough to justify the hopefully extended prison sentences for their actions...
Posted by Jody at 08:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Highlight a NEW blogger today!
Highlight a NEW blogger today!
Ok, here's a quick fun game to play. Pick someone newer to blogging and post a quick link to them, then trackback here. Make sure to visit the link I post and then go through the trackbacks (yeah, I'm MAKING everyone play) and visit someone else there (and make sure to visit their link too!). If you're a new (3 months blogging or less!) blogger, then go ahead, post your link and trackback too! It'll be fun! It'll be great! And now I won't have to worry about posting something until tonight! :)
Here is my link:
Update (and I will be updating throughout the day!):
Pirate's Cove highlights Down for Repairs.
MVRWC links to The Nose on Your Face and reminds everyone that the New Blogger showcase is up -- Go check it out over at Baboon Pirates!
Common Sense Runs Wild links Right in Texas.
Ablogistan (a new blogger showcase participate) adds Gone to Croatoan who he describes as a "fairly liberal environmentalist" in attempt to "balance out the universe" of conservative bloggers highlighted today.
Think Sink highlights Meet the Bloggers and their interview with Tina of Corner Chair.
And new B L O G G E R of the D A Y goes to....
Ariana Huffington ... is full of crap.
Anyone disagree with that? :)
How come you haven't played yet?
Oh and one clarification, this is a GAME. Not a MEME, which I hate. GAMES can and will be forced upon everyone. EVERYONE! :)
Posted by Jody at 07:54 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 07, 2005
Ah. The excitement! The pure
Ah. The excitement! The pure adrenalin! The race so close and then the dramatic finish! Could it not have been the most stimulating and amazing moment of my entire life?Uh. No. Didn't even realize that the Kentucky Derby was today...Can anyone please tell me what the big deal is about midgets jockeys on horses?
Posted by Jody at 11:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
TJ at NIF, the best
TJ at NIF, the best linking blog this side of basil's (hey, they both are aware that more than 20 blogs exist in the blogosphere unlike other certain shall not be named bloggers), has just surpassed two big milestones in blogging:
25,000 hits (he just did that to make my 10,000 look small) and 1 year blogging!!
Yeah, I'm not even jealous. Much.
Make sure to head over to NIF and tell TJ congratulations!
Posted by Jody at 11:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Posted by Jody at 09:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 06, 2005
If only I could be
If only I could be Senator Harry Reid's definition of a "loser."In the course of a discussion on filibusters and Senate rules, Washington's top Democrat gave the 60 juniors a lesson in partisan politics, particularly about the commander in chief. "The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid said in response to a question about President Bush's policies. "I think this guy is a loser."Hmm...the President of the United States and leader of the free world. Re-elected by 62 million people, gained seats for the GOP in the House and Senate...through his leadership, free elections held in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tax Revenues increasing as the economy grows. New ideas about social security and energy being welcomed.
Yeah let me be that type of loser...
Reid admitted he crossed the line with the comments and apologized. But it really does show the derogatory attitude and pessimism leading the Democratic party these days, doesn't it?
ht: Janette @ Common Sense Runs Wild for the article.
Posted by Jody at 11:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 05, 2005
Minimum wage in Florida, thanks
Minimum wage in Florida, thanks to the endless sage and wisdom of its voters, rose this week from $5.15 an hour to $6.15 an hour. Unfortunately increasing the minimum wage only masks the true issues. The issue is not minimum wage, it never has been.Only 5% of Florida's workers are to see a rise in pay as a direct result of increase. These are the workers making between 5.15 to 6.14 in hourly pay. But what about the employee who started at minimum wage to only find their wage has become minimum wage yet again? Most employers will increase this wage to adjust for this factor. And then adjust their other worker's pay accordingly as well.
And to pay for these increases, whatever goods and services they provide will be increased as well. Because I can guarantee you that the company is not going to lose profit here. So because of this increase my 99 cent Whopper, Jr. will most likely now be a $1.25. That $20.00 dollar skirt at Gap? 23.50. So the people who are still making less than everyone else are still going to have just as much spending capital that they did before. Wage increases in this manner do not equate in increased overall net worth.
Now this is where I am going to say something that is true but not very popular:
There is always going to be a minimum wage. Someone is always going to make more than others, while some are always going to make less.
Some people are always going to have more than others, and why is this a bad thing?
We work to get paid and our labor is valued upon what the market agrees to pay for it. No matter how much we would like our waiters and retailers and our fast food clerks to be able to make a lot of money, in their current jobs, it is not possible. These jobs do not require much training or experience to develop the adequate level of expertise to perform the job. The people performing these jobs are expendable and the market does not value their worth. Joe can do the job that Maria did yesterday, then Joe can be replaced by Jon.
You certainly can't convince me that there is no opportunity to do better in this country than minimum wage. Too many people have risen from ghettos to become professionals, or were essentially homeless and attended Ivy league schools. Yes, some have a harder time than others, but essentially this is the life we are dealt with, this is the life we are accountable for. No one that is born with a reasonable intelligence level has no excuse of not doing something for themselves. Even if it is completing high school and studying and achieving good grades. Even if it is working minimum wage jobs to pay for schooling or technical training. These are not things that are beyond the reach of most of us. The public education system for most is adequate enough to reasonably educate if you are willing to take the responsibility for that education.
As long as the opportunity is available through hard work and education for you to do better, then why do we have to subsidize your failure to take advantage of that opportunity?
Yeah, how's that for compassionate conservatism? (HT: Rightpundit, who wrote it better and nicer than I did...but now I feel better.)Posted by Jody at 08:18 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 04, 2005
I have several topics that
I have several topics that I am wanting to post about. Serious relevant issues that I feel strongly about and I want my opinion to be heard. This post is not about these issues because I have been dealing with a sinus infection and I am going to put off even trying to make a coherent point until after the fog clears (No, the fog is not permanent. Yes, you will be able to tell when it clears. No one likes a smart butt!).Because this sinus infection has spread into a full blown cold with all the fun side effects, I haven't worked a lot this week so i have had a lot of time to catch on my blog reading. Which to everyone that has received a comment on your blog, I apologize, it truly was the Dayquil talking. I don't handle being medicated at all. That being said, I'd like to present...
The DayQuil Edition ~ (click here to read more!)
Just a few of my observations while on the
1st - Thanks to all the great comments on my 10,000th visitor posts yesterday. The comment that had to top them all though was Jeff's play by play of the action. Yes. I am being serious. He literally gave detail after detail. And he deduced that the true 10,000th visitor was from Knology.net. I think that is Reggie from ReggieNation, but I can't confirm or deny. I can confirm that is does appear the my 10,000 visitors may have been mainly comprised of ...well...Jeff. Oh, well, I'll take it!
2nd - COOL. Civility in the Blogosphere! Who would've thought? I received a congratulatory compliment from Admiring Observer today and then learned of the Complimenting Commenter.
These bloggers go are going through the blogosphere leaving compliments and encouraging others to do the same.
Let me take a moment to just say: I HATE BLOGGER! I had the rest of this post done...but NOW IT HAS B E E N eaten by stooopid BLOGGER! Let me ask you this?! Why do you have a RECOVER POST link if it never FREAKIN' WORKS?!
Okay, now where was I?
3rd - Ann Althouse has comments! Put this in the "yeah took a month for Jody to notice category"... I like her site a lot, I alway enjoy reading it but I don't really like blogs that don't allow comments (although she responded to emails very quickly), I think the interaction between reader and writer is a big element of blogging. It's what it's all about, well that and the hokey pokey...
4th - Are you Conservative? (well, yes. Yes, I am) gives a situation where a teacher might have to burst a child's dreams... (And yes, no comments on this blog, but at least there are trackbacks...maybe that makes it okay?)
5th - I know someone famous! Congrats Firewolf's blog for getting quoted in "Today's Blogs" on Slate. Now he'll think he's too cool to hang out at my blog... oh well, he probaly already thought that. :)
6th - The Pulpit Pounder. Why haven't you blogrolled him yet? No excuses! (Unless of course, you haven't blogrolled me yet, then we have even bigger issues to talk about...)
Yeah, I'm done. I guess. Where is my wonderful guest blogger when I need her, you ask? Well she is busy on her own site writing fabulous insightful posts such as this and this one here.
Oh wait, thanks to Ogre's post here; I can now do extended entries in Blogger. So now when you come to my site, you don't see this rambling mess until after you click! It's like hiding everything under the bed when guests come...
I guess it's about time for some Nyquil...
Posted by Jody at 09:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 03, 2005
Since I began blogging in early January, I have learned so much. It has been a blast to have my opinions heard and critiqued by everyone. The blogosphere has made me feel so welcomed and my readers are sincerely the best. Thank you for all your comments. Thank you for not taking me too seriously but seriously enough to keep reading. If you're just passing by, I hope you stay a while. This is just my beginning...it took me 4 months to reach the 10,000 mark...wonder how long it will take me to get to 20,000? ;)
Posted by Jody at 11:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
It's not everyday that a
It's not everyday that a girl gets her 10,000th blog visitor... hmmm...the way things are looking it might not be today either...
Posted by Jody at 07:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 02, 2005
The Ad from google that
The Ad from google that appeared on this site tonight:
Posted by Jody at 09:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
So who are the troublemakers?
So who are the troublemakers?
Due to recent unwarranted complaints about the size of my blogroll from a certain person that I will not identify, I have decided to list my troublemakers. They are my most prolific commenters. This is certainly not about quality but about quantity. Also they are the ones who won't let me get away with one moment of laziness, self indulgence and will always call me on a "cheat" post. So for now I started with my biggest...um...fans...pains...
Either way they keep me honest and I appreciate it. Check them out and blogroll them if they're not there already:
Pirate's Cove
Common Sense Runs Wild
Not a Desperate Housewife
FireWolf's Blog
Posted by Jody at 09:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Over at Enlightenment Reactionary a
Over at Enlightenment Reactionary a suggestion is made to go ahead and implement some of the Democratic Party's solutions to everyday situations. Here are a few of my favorite:Read the whole thing here, and while you're at the site go check out his Leftist Lexicon.
- Effective immediately all Caucasians and successful minorities will be required to practice the "open garage" policy. Garage doors must be left open at all times. The inner door must be unlocked as well. After all, trespassers just want a cold beer and to watch some TV, just like everybody else.
- Universities will immediately desist from the discriminatory practice of limiting the number of students that can register for a given class and thus oppressing the punctuality-challenged. All interested students must be allowed to enroll. In an unrelated matter universities will be fined $10,000 per student per semester for each instance of insufficient seating.
- To prevent the undue hardship of a disconnection, delinquint utility bills will be paid by the neighbors living on either side of the financially distressed person.
- The concept of the checkout counter "Leave a penny, take a penny" dish has proven so popular that the legislature has passed a bill applying the principle to the pockets of people standing next to you in line. Despite the name, the law permits any denomination to be taken. Participation is compulsory.
- In order to put a stop to the scourge of racial profiling, identification cards will no longer be required to cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol, buy guns or ammunition, attend adult movies, sign a contract, or pick up children from any day care.
Posted by Jody at 07:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Although some may not agree
The Jessica Lunsford Act sets a mandatory sentence of 25 years to life in prison for people convicted of molesting children under 12. If offenders serve less than life, they would be required to wear a global positioning system device after their release so authorities can monitor their whereabouts.More than just this needs to be done though. Punishment only applies to after a crime has been committed, what are ways we can prevent the crimes from occuring? What causes people to commit these crimes needs to be thoroughly researched. If we can understand the elements involved with someone committing such acts, we may be able to learn how to prevent their occurrance. Children who are victims of this type of abuse need to be better identified and counseled so they themselves do not become the abusers.
Granted, someone must be "sick" to molest a child, but that does not excuse the fact that we all choose our actions. Although I believe that no sin is unforgivable in God's eyes, I do feel that whatever sin you do commit have a cost and you will reap what you sow. If we do not hold these molestors accountable, we continue to devalue the lives of our most innocent citizens. And to me, that is unacceptable.
Your thoughts are welcomed. I am optimistic about this new bill passed in Florida, what do you think?
Posted by Jody at 12:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 01, 2005
I have stayed out of
This is the blessing of legal immigration. Unfortunately legal immigration is not the problem. It is the illegal immigrants coming into this country, thumbing their noses at our laws from their very beginnings here. Taking advantage of opportunities that truly are not theirs. They are thieves and yes, though it pains me to admit it, there does need to be action. Why has this been a struggle for me to see that we should firm up our laws and strictly enforce them? Because, my heart goes out to the illegals who for some way or another cannot make it through the bureaucratic red tape that this country has instituted to become legal. The ones who truly want to work hard. Who want better opportunities. The people who are not the leeches. The people who just want their children to grow up in a better place.
If we finally begin to take the threat serious that illegal immigration poses to our national security and finally close our borders then these people who really deserve a better chance will be shut out. If finally realize that the costs are too high, and too much is being taken from true citizens My thoughts on this though are simple: Keep them in their country. Especially immigrants from Mexico. Imagine if those immigrants who crossed the borders in the night, all of them were forced to stay in their country. The hundreds of thousands of disgruntled low paid laborers stuck in Mexico. They would be forced to look within their own country for the solutions that they have sought here. Their presidente would be forced to look at the real issues instead of demanding that the United States continue to let the illegals in.
Imagine all the hard working ingenuitive people who were not leeches, who truly wanted to make their lives better, if they had to stay home. Maybe they would be forced to make their home better.
A revolution can only begin when no other solutions are present, change can only occur when people are available to make it happen. The same people who are determined and willing to leave their homes for a better opportunity are the same people who could make their better opportunity at home.
Too simplistic? Maybe... but I think it is worth a try.
Posted by Jody at 09:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Laura Bush apparently was very
Laura Bush apparently was very funny and charming at the White House Correspondents Association dinner last night and that disarmed many journalists apparently who had written her in the corner as the demure know nothing housewife of "Dubya". The first line of the USA today piece praising Laura's speech?Who would have thought a member of the Bush family could be so funny ? on purpose?Who would have thought a member of MSM could be so condescending even with their praise? (Yeah, I'm not surprised.)
Posted by Jody at 09:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I wrote Liberal Dogs, Socialist
I wrote Liberal Dogs, Socialist Fleas back in December. A particularly effusive comment was posted recently singing the praises of socialism. Among the droppings, er, I mean insights this person had to share:
Labor is an expression of our deepest essence. Our labor is sacred, in a sense, a fundamental and profound manifestation and creativity. Capitalism defiles and perverts work. Intellectual and physical labor is a mere commodity that must be sold to a buyer. In American society, most of us are alienated from our labor activity and from the product of that intellectual or physical labor. Our productive activity is not our own, the production created is not our own. We are thereby alienated from our own sweat. Your labor is an expression of you, of your deepest and truest self, but in a capitalist society workers activity belongs to another, it is the loss of his self. Labor creates all wealth. When your labor belongs to another, you are left with nothing. You are nothing. I am nothing and I should be everything. Capitalism is a system designed to steal. That theft is so grand that it is hard to fathom.
I found it laughable and planned on ignoring it but then I found this gem at Girl On The Right that's just priceless. So I've brazenly stolen it!
Psalm 23 - Lefty Style
The government is my shepherd: I need not work. It alloweth me to lie down on a good job; It leadeth me beside still factories; It destroyeth my initiative. It leadeth me in a path of a parasite for politic's sake; Yea though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficit-spending, I will fear no evil, for the government is with me. It prepareth an economic Utopia for me, by appropriating the earnings of my own grandchildren. It filleth my head with false security; My inefficiency runneth over. Surely the government should care for me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell in a fool's paradise forever Amen/woman.
Yep, that just about sums it up.
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 07:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack