August 27, 2005
All liberal's are Chickendove's unless they themselves are:
- In Africa fighting the War on Aids. Also, it would be better if they themselves had Aids.
- Living on the street or a flop house to fight the War on Poverty
- Never using a motor vehicle, boat, or plan, in fighting the War on High Gas Prices.
- Living in Palestine, to fight their War Against Israel
- Working in a completely pollution free building, to fight the War for the Environment. Giving up hairspray is not optional.
- Never wearing makeup or any cosmetics, to fight the War Against Animal Testing.
So, put your money where your mouths are, Libs, or prove yourself Chickendoves!
Posted by William Teach at 10:49 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 20, 2005
And Noooowwww, Here's Kristin!
I forget who it was who was wondering when Kristing Breitweiser would speak out on Able Danger. Well, she has, over at the Huffington "bandwith thieves" Post
The revelation of this new information is astounding for two reasons. First, if true, this would mean that four of the key hijackers in the 9/11 plot were in the cross-hairs of our Pentagon one year prior to the attacks during the summer of 2000. Second, it raises credibility issues surrounding the 9/11 Commission since the Commission’s Final Report does not mention—let alone report upon—the Able Danger operation.
So far so good. But, rather then exerpting any more, I challenge you to read the long, rambling post by Kristin. I see 2 things. One, she has failed to mention that Clinton was president during that time period. Heck, Clinton's name doesn't even appear. Second, down near the end, she is apparently trying to hintimate some sort of conspiracy by the CIA. Any guess who she would like to blame for said conspiracy? SInce 99% of the posts at THP are vast leftwing........
Cross posted at the Pirate's Cove
Posted by William Teach at 07:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Like most, I am flabbergasted by this:
The jury hearing the first Vioxx case to go to trial awarded the man's widow $253.4 million in punitive and compensatory damages -- a sharp rebuke to an industry leader that enjoyed an unusually favorable public image before the Vioxx debacle began to unfold one year ago.
And the jury deliberated for 10 hours over 2 days. That's alot of money, eh? I wonder what the Dummocrat Undergrounders think?
Megahurtz: Holy Crap that's alot of money......but then again what price is a life?
Unless you are an unborn baby, huh? Then you're value is zero to the Democratic Party.
Posted by William Teach at 07:29 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack
August 04, 2005
Got Gasoline, Will Offend
Ask me if I care about your opinion. Go ahead. I dare ye.
Well, actually, I do. I may not pay attention to it, I may try and refute it, but I do care about it. Hell, I wouldn't read Left-o-sphere blogs, and persue lefty sites, such as the DU, Common Sense,, if I didn't care about other's opinions. Well, also the humor factor.
It's amazing to me that someone would write a blog and basically say "your opinion means sh*t to me." Then, when called out by another blogger, have a fit, delete that bloggers trackback, complain too them mostly off topic, then compain about them on their own blog, without even the benefit of a name or a trackback. That's mature.
At boarding school, there was a guy, don't remember his name, don't care, either, who would say "You're entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong." Literally say it. You can imagine how well that went over. He never came back for the second session after Christmas.
The other part of the equation is "I don’t think women generally have the sensibilities to run the country." I cannot even begin to imagine the idiocy of that statement, especially coming from a woman. If a man said that, he would be assaulted by every women's group, both Left and Right, beyond belief. It wasn't so long ago that women were not judged qualified to vote, or work, or serve in the military, among others. Are women qualified to make important judgements on the United States of America? I would think so, comsidering the women who have served on the Supreme Court, as well as lower courts.
Is Condi ready to be President? Maybe, maybe not. She has never really been in the politician track. So what? Is that really what the Framers wanted? Politicians only? How about someone who has served admirably in the Bush admin, currently serving as Sec of State? I would rather have her then someone like Hillary, who, no matter what you think of her politics, has the sensabilities to be president.
What kind of reaction would there be if I wrote "blacks do not have the sensibilities to be President" and left it at that? Essentially, La Shawn has doomed the entire female race as silly little non-entities when it comes to politics. I mean, really, if a wack job like Cynthia McKinney can become a US Representative, certainly most other women are more then qualified to be President, especially a smart cookie like Condi.
Quite frankly, La Shawn reminds me more of the MSM reporters and Lefties, who all tend to have little hissy fits when they are criticized, then go off on a tangent. "Please read my blog, but go scr*w yourself if you disagree."
Like Beth says "TOUGHEN UP!"
Posted by William Teach at 11:47 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
August 01, 2005
Saying "Thank You."
There are generally two grocery stores that I go to, Harris Teeter and Food Lion. I detest Kroger, the prices are bad. I loathe Winn Dixie, the service is poor. I realized yesterday why Harris Teeter is my favorite. They are nice. They say thank you. They acknoledge you. That means alot, at least to me. Food Lion can be hit or miss, but Harris Teeter is always spot on nice.
I almost always use the do it yourself lane, and there is always an associate keeping an eye on things, ready to help in a heartbeat. When you are done, they say "thank you," and often include something like "have a nice evening."
Now, what gets me is that so many business (and people) do not say "thank you" anymore. Too often, it is the customer who is saying thank you, and the associate will say "you're welcome." Shouldn't that be the other way around? How did it become reveresed? When I go and get a cup of coffee, it isn't my job to say thanks. It is their job.
Now, I am, in Real Life, a polite person. I'll say thanks at a resteraunt, when I am buying something, and, when I get a cup of coffee (among others). I trump any possible "thank you" from the associate usually by saying it first. But, the proper response is not "you're welcome." They need to add something like "and, thank you" on to their "you're welcome," especially when I am leaving a tip.
People have forgotten the proper use of "thank you." The wrong people are saying it, and not getting the correct niceties back. Simple common courtesy. I'd pledge to never say thank you in situations such as getting a cup of coffee, but I know I'd break it in a heartbeat.
Posted by William Teach at 08:26 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack
July 22, 2005
TJ's one man, get ready for the weekend, blogburst
Quickies : ... Forget Rove - until the investigations are complete, Nadagate is a useless distraction
... Roberts should be confirmed, there is no logical basis for not doing so and we are spending too much time on this!
... Mass Transit bag searches (a la NYC) are a good thing, but "random checking" is garbage. Profiling is OK, get over it.*
... We need to secure our borders - Mexico and Canada. Yes, Immigration is good - when it is LEGAL!
... Militant groups (including, but not limited to "Islamofascists") need to be arrested / prosecuted / jailed-deported *
... We need more surveillance cameras here in the US, for "post-incident" investigation **
... Social inSecurity needs private accounts and a raising of the retirement age, and yes - it is still a crisis
... Medicare / Medicaid is an even bigger financial fiasco than Social inSecurity
... What does the Dept of Agriculture do anyway, aside from paying farmers to not grow stuff? ***
... And how about some welfare reform, tort reform, and tax reform (think The Fair Tax) while I am ranting
* : there was never a good time for being PC, and now it can kill us. Get over it.
** : Free Speech isn't free. And it isn't unlimited. And there can be consequences.
*** : feel free to enlighten me here, if it's worth it
OK, NOW you can go have a great weekend! And Vote TJ for President in 2012.
(cough) Participating sites :
... and good luck to Jody's busted computer.
Posted by trejrco at 09:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 10, 2005
Muslims who fight against Terrorism
Janette from Common Sense Runs Wild reminds us that while there has not been as large as an outcry in the Muslim community against terrorism as many of us would like; there has been one and it is growing. Supporting the Muslims who stand up against the radicals of their religion is vital. Islam isn't going to go away and those angry young men who are being seduced by the power that terrorism brings need to be shown a healthy alternative to violence. Who is best to show them that? Me? A white Pentecostal girl in America? Or their brethren at their neighborhood mosque?
Think about it and go read Janette's hopeful post.
Posted by Jody at 04:50 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack