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April 29, 2005
A comment from Jody at
A comment from Jody at Common Sense Runs Wild:
I know I know. I am supposed to be on break, I just had to say terrific post [re: A Debt To Society That Can't Be Repaid]. My blog is blessed to have your words on my site. I noticed in the comments at thebandwagon you mentioned that your anti-death penalty stance was faltering because of these crimes. I understand completely, however, because of Terri Schiavo and the fight for the worth of life I believe that you being against the death penalty is the right belief. After supporting it, then being on the edge for a while, I finally made the decision that life can not be devalued no matter how much we want the life to be gone.
This is truly a faith issue, as I discussed in both of my posts that referenced Sarah and Jessica. We have to believe that God is the perfect Judge and justice will be done eventually, if not in this life then in the one to come. Does that give us solace or protect our children now? NO.
A "leper" island for the perverts to go seems ideal but the liberals would never let it happen. I guess the only thing to do is tighten laws to keep them in prison longer. To have zero tolerance for crimes against children and to be willing to give a life sentence for taking away a child's innocence. In some ways even if they do not take the child's life, they kill who the person they were and it takes so much rebuilding to restore that life.
If you'd like to blogburst this a bit, then count me in. The more attention given the subject, the better aware we are to help protect our children.
If you didn't know, I'm "blog sitting" for Jody this weekend.
I've been struggling with the problem of sexual offenders lately, and this was her response to my angst.
Here's my question to YOU: What is you're solution, or even a suggestion? Do you think a blogburst would help? Do you know of any web sites that are particularly insightful? If you are a parent, what are YOUR precautions to protect your children?
Please, I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I need YOUR insights! What do you think we can do as a society to stop this epidemic?
Posted by Jody at 11:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Some victims of child molesters
Some victims of child molesters are "luckier" than Sarah Lunde and Jessica Lunsford . These children may live but they spend the rest of their lives dealing with the repercussions of what they've been subjected to. Meanwhile the molesters and rapists who commit these crimes do their time, if convicted, and then head back into society. Theses animals live in our neighborhoods and wait for their next innocent victims.
Some statistics for you to think about:
- The typical offender is male, begins molesting by age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 youngsters, most of whom do not report the offense. -Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study
- About 10% of violent offenders with child victims received life or death sentences and the average prison term was 11 years, somewhat shorter average sentences than received by those with adult victims. -BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991
- Recidivism rates range from 18-45%. The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating. -Studies by the state of Washington
- Like rape, child molestation is one of the most underreported crimes: only 1-10% are ever disclosed. -FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Here's a story that caught my attention today: Freed child molester returns to Santa Rosa
A high-risk child molester on parole has been moved back to a Motel 6 in Santa Rosa from Redwood City, where his presence prompted outcry from residents and police.
"We are really pleased that he's back in the county where he committed his crime, which is where he should be released to,'' said Redwood City police Capt. Ron Matuzak.
Thomas Earl Putney, 36, was released from the state's program for deviant sexual offenders at Atascadero State Mental Hospital in February, 15 years after he attacked three children. His presence in Santa Rosa drew death threats, prompting parole officers to move him last month to the Garden Motel in Redwood City. On Tuesday, Santa Rosa police warned residents that Putney was again in their midst.
If it were Capt. Matuzak's child who had been molested 15 years ago, do you think he would be "really pleased" with Putney's return?
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 05:33 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Yeah I've completed about four
(Be nice to Janette while I'm gone.)
Actually if you must know, I am swamped tomorrow today (why am I not in bed?) and Saturday I am taking the baby to Sea World, yes I know. Of all the places we decide to go to, SEA world. Great. We may have another fish by Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone! I am sure Janette will offer some great posts to thebandwagon, and well let's face it, this blog could use a few great posts...
Posted by Jody at 02:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
We hardly knew you... Yeah,
Yeah, like anyone is suprised this happened; I'm shocked the fish lasted this long. But since I'm in mourning I don't think I can be expected to do the "turd in the punchbowl" meme that Vince Aut Morire generously tagged for me to complete (Beth tagged me too but she changed her mind, thinking that I would hate this. She was right).
So as a tribute to "Nemo" I present:
Turd in the fishbowl
tiny round specks of fish poop
Turd in the fishbowl
killed the fish, should've cleaned the bowl.
So really, anyone clamoring to get tagged with this thing? Thought so. Turd meme stops here.
Posted by Jody at 01:37 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 28, 2005
Kathleen Garret's lawyer, Thomas Egan
How Kathleen Garret, a special education teacher for autistic children is now willing to admit to hitting the kids but thinks the criminal charges should be dropped because she didn't hit them hard. Seriously.
"None of the young people identified as purported victims incurred any significant welts or bruises as a result of any activities by Kathleen Garrett," the motions say.Um. Not a lawyer, but I do understand. Kathleen is another example of someone abusing a child who can not defend themselves and now is trying desperately, apparently with the help of her brilliant lawyer, to get away with it. I understand that completely.
This incident(several abuse complaints had been filed and the school ignored them until her arrest), the five year old being handcuffed and the bus monitor molesting children (and not suspended from the job even after the first incidents were reported) shows an alarming pattern of the school system failing to protect their children. But Jody, the school doesn't have the resources to hire better teachers, they're short staffed, that five year old was a brat...Fine. But none of those excuses, excuse the fact that children are being hurt and traumatized.
A concerned parent worried about their child's well-being? Homeschool. Private School. Or show up when they don't expect you. Let them know that you are watching out for your child.
And schools? Get it together. If you have to be shortstaffed to protect a child. Protect a child. If you have to call the police to handle a kindergartner, call in a counselor or even child protective services instead. People who are actually trained to deal with these situations. If you need a bus monitor that bad that you're willing to keep a pervert on staff, then as a parent, I'll make one afternoon free to ride the bus. I am sure others would be willing to do the same.
There are no easy answers, but the only right answer is to protect the children!
(And yes, I am aware that all of these incidents occurred in Florida...)
Posted by Jody at 08:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
My Blogroll is out of
My Blogroll is out of control.But there are so many good blogs...so little time. Here are a few of the recent additions:
American Warmonger
An American Housewife
The American Princess
Flaming Duck
Ogre's politics and views
Prying 1
Can you blame me for having these blogs on my blogroll?
Oh and just because we're on the blogroll topic, Aimz and Reggie have both moved to new sites which I updated on my roll. Click their names to check out their new homes...
And yes. The number on my blogs on my personal blogroll is an even number...but you guys really didn't need to know that did you?
OH! And I added the "blogroll me" linky thing to my sidebar so now you can one step blogroll "thebandwagon" (HINT HINT!)...
Update: What has 8 eyes and 8 legs? 8 pirates!! heehee... and my favorite pirate of all has reminded me that he too has moved, so check out the new and improved Pirate's Cove... and update your blogroll's!!!
Posted by Jody at 08:08 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 27, 2005
Either this blogger is an
Either this blogger is an absolute genius or a total retard...Either way, the scariest thing?
I totally get it.
Posted by Jody at 11:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
It's funny because it's
Posted by Jody at 11:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I don't think any constitutional
I don't think any constitutional admendment could be passed to "save" this marriage:Kuttiyamma, 29, a rubber-tapping worker, and her relative, Laura, 25, had been in love for the last 15 years. When they realized they were inseparable, Kuttiyamma, who was born with inter-sex features, decided to go in for 'sex deformity correctional' surgery. After a treatment spread over 18 months, Kuttiyamma underwent an operation at Kochi's PVS hospital last month. That's how Kuttiyamma became Binu. Binu then approached his lover to talk about their wedding plans, only to be told that his lover was already engaged to another man.
I guess the moral of this story is to just be yourself?
Yeah. Okay.
And what's a rubber tapper?
(ht: BobG @ Sweet Spirits of Ammonia)
Posted by Jody at 10:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 26, 2005

Posted by Jody at 11:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 25, 2005
Give peace a chance? The
Give peace a chance?The two peace protestors who attacked and punched a 5ft. 2in. 49-year old woman holding signs supporting the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, would do well to follow their own protest.
How can you go to a "peace rally", hold signs about "peace", chant and sing about "peace" then go and punch a woman who disagrees with you? The "peace" can't stick with you longer than it takes to cross the street? And they wonder why we don't take them seriously...
Hat tip: Michelle Malkin
Posted by Jody at 10:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Until this blog is cleaned
Until this blog is cleaned up and all the comments are even!!!Well I have been enjoying my blog break and it has been fun to watch Janette take over and "steal" thebandwagon. She did a great job, even if she instigated a coup and savagely made my poor readers post odd numbered comments. It's okay, I'm back now. Everything is okay. You guys can once again normal comment posting procedures...
I've noticed that Janette may have picked up a few new readers here that might be disappointed that I have regained control (hey, ya'll might all be disappointed; just don't let me know, k?). But that too is okay because Janette has her own blog which she does a fabulous job at called Common Sense Runs Wild. It's a small upstart blog with a few readers, but I certainly see potential. ;) Ha ha... thanks Janette!
So, yes, I'm back. In case you want the boring details: I went to a church conference (which wasn't boring at all), then I lurked around the internet and enjoyed a few more days of non-blogging...ahhh
So now that I'm refreshed, I am sure my readers will see an increase of quality on this blog by at least...oh... 2%.
So stay tuned!!
Posted by Jody at 08:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Muzzy of Blogizdat and Cindy
Muzzy of Blogizdat and Cindy of Wheelz Life Notes have posted their answers to the "If I could Be . . ." meme that I asked them to participate in. Go check out their answers
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]Posted by Jody at 04:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Malachi, born 20 weeks premature
Malachi, born 20 weeks premature on February 15th, is holding his own so far reports The Ledger-Enquirer.
The newborns parents said they chose the name Malachi because it's one of the smallest books of the Bible, and Malachi means "messenger of God."
"He's so small, and he's sent a message to us of what love is," the father said.
Why do I get the feeling that abortion activists can't be very happy that babies are surviving at lower birth weights and earlier gestation periods?
Hat tip: Free Republic
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 03:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 24, 2005
What do the following people
What do the following people have in common?
- Abraham Lincoln
- Albert Einstein
- Barack Obama
- Bill Clinton
- Cesar Chavez
- Condoleezza Rice
- Ellen DeGeneres
- George W. Bush
- George Washington
- Hugh Heffner
- Marilyn Monroe
- Mel Gibson
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Moore
- Nokola Tesla
- Dr. Phil McGraw
- Tiger Woods
After tallying more than a half a million online nominations these are part of candidates for the Discovery Channel/ AOL Top 100 Americans.
You really need to check out the full list. It looks like someone opened a history book and a People magazine and threw darts to pick the nominees.
Michael Jackson? Ellen DeGeneres? Jimmy Carter? Honestly people, if you've every wondered about the intelligence of some of your fellow Americans, this list should tell you all you need to know.
That I had to check the nominee "John Edwards" to determine if it referred to the former vice presidential nominee or the television psychic tells you a little about how absurd the quality of this list is. (For future reference, there's no "s" at the end of the tv psychic's name. I'm so glad I cleared that up.)
Hat tip: David Schantz of A Republic, if you can keep it
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 01:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 23, 2005
If you didn't think that
If you didn't think that political correctness was idiotic before you will after reading this story. Check out We Have Ways of Making You Walk at Sweet Spirits of Ammonia.
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]Posted by Jody at 09:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Did you know that 11
Did you know that 11 1/2 percent of Mexico's population lives in the United States?
Did you know that somewhere between 3,000,000 and 7,000,000 are registered to vote illegally?
Did you know that Mexico's President Vincente Fox encourage them to vote in both countries?
As of Apr. 15, 2005 � Stats regarding illegal immigrants:
- Arrived since general amnesty of 1986 13,538,691
- Arrived Since 9.11.01 3,686,140
- Arrived this week 57,400
- Will arrive next week 57,400
- Will arrive today 8,200
Also check out Firewolf's Blog for a story on how our government is failing to adequately supply border patrol agents with the bullet proof vests that they need.
Statistics via: Laughter Genealogy
Hat tip: Crystal Clear
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 03:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 22, 2005
Cross posted from Common Sense
Cross posted from Common Sense Runs Wild
Jody from The Bandwagon tagged me with the meme "If I could be . . . "
Immediately following there is a list of 18? 19? 20?different occupations. You must select at least 5 of them (feel free to select more). You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select 5 of the items as it was passed to you). Each one begins with "If I could be..." Of the 5 you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. For example, if the selected occupation was "pirate" you might take the phrase "If I could be a pirate..." and add to it "I would sail the 7 Seas, dating lasses from around the worlde." See how easy that is?
Here's the list:
- If I could be a scientist...
- If I could be a farmer...
- If I could be a musician...
- If I could be a doctor...
- If I could be a painter...
- If I could be a gardener...
- If I could be a missionary...
- If I could be a chef...
- If I could be an architect...
- If I could be a linguist...
- If I could be a psychologist...
- If I could be a librarian...
- If I could be an athlete...
- If I could be a lawyer...
- If I could be an innkeeper...
- If I could be a professor...
- If I could be a writer...
- If I could be a llama-rider...
- If I could be a bonnie pirate...
- If I could be an astronaut...
I'm adding:
- If I could be a politician . . .
- If I could be a kid again . . .
- If I could be an animal . . .
- If I could be a tree . . .
- If I could be a celebrity . . .
And here's my reply:
If I could be a scientist I would save Schrodinger's cat. It's a stupid theory and quantum physicists have been spending too much mental energy on it for way too long. Move on! There are more sensible and exciting things to explore.
If I could be a chef I would weigh about 500 pounds!
If I could be a writer I would be very mysterious and anonymous. I would write one book a year, which would be a bestseller, but I would never make public appearances. I would live in a small cottage in a coastal town and none of the residents would know who I really was.
If I could be a lawyer I would make certain that, once a person was found guilty of sexually abusing a child, they'd never step foot outside of a prison again.
If I could be a bonnie pirate I would sail the Bahamas and the Caribbean. I would fish for most of my food, catch my fresh water and only occasionally demand fresh vegetables and vodka (or beer, or wine) from the obnoxious weekend cruisers who crossed my path.
Now, who to tag????
Stacy who's NotADesperateHousewife
Muzzy from Blogizdat
Cynthia at Wheelz Life Notes
A big thank you to Ogre who not only came up with this fun meme but he's also trying to find out how far it goes. When you respond be sure to send him a trackback or e-mail so he can update his chart.
Posted by Jody at 08:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 21, 2005
The ACLU . . .
The ACLU . . . just the mention of that organization's name is generally all it takes to raise the blood pressure of most conservative Americans. We realize that there is an enormous disconnect between what the ACLU claims their purpose to be and what they actually do in real life.
The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty. We work daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Our job is to conserve America's original civic values - the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Of course it always seems that the ACLU is far more concerned with preserving "the individual rights and liberties" of criminals, perverts, criminals, illegal immigrants, criminals and criminals.
It's interesting how liberal the ACLU's interpretation of the 1st Amendment is. The actual amendment reads like this:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Instead of referring to the amendment as being one of freedom of religion and speech, the ACLU refers to this amendment as "Freedom of Expression." It's under this broad sweeping interpretation that they defend NAMBLA, flag desecration, pornography, sexual and religious oriented art and strippers. (Yes, the ACLU argues that city ordinances regulating and taxing stripping violates our Constitutional right to free speech.) I don't see any of those things mentioned, do you?
Pretty liberal interpretation of the First Amendment, right? You would think that they would be just as generous with their interpretation of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), right? Wrong. The actual amendment reads like this:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
What is the ACLU�s position on gun control?
The national ACLU is neutral on the issue of gun control. We believe the Second Amendment does not confer an unlimited right upon individuals to own guns or other weapons, nor does it prohibit reasonable regulation of gun ownership, such as licensing and registration.
They claim to be "neutral" on the subject of gun control and then they not only do they interpret the amendment as strictly as possible, they also choose to ignore the part that says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Hardly seems fair, does it? One amendment is interpreted liberally to enable them to support as many of their pet causes as possible. The other amendment is interpreted as strictly as possible, even going so far as to ignore part of it.
The ACLU does not represent me! I'm a law abiding, gun toting Christian American . . . but part of my tax dollars go the ACLU. I don't believe that I should have to pay to support an organization that, for the most part, represents the antithesis of my beliefs.
I've signed this petition to keep MY tax dollars from supporting the ACLU, but I'm always looking for ways to defeat and minimize their impoact. If you have any suggestions,please, let me know.
For more information on this subject check out StopTheACLU.
For more information on the ACLU and the Second Amendment, please see the Stop The ACLU blogroll located at the bottom right of this page.
[Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild]
Posted by Jody at 05:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I hereby decree that from
I hereby decree that from this day forward all threads on this blog must end in an odd post.An odd numbered post, not an actual odd post. JeffH, I mean you, k?
Posted by Jody at 04:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Jody only thought that her
Jody only thought that her technical problems were the fault of FireFox! The truth is, I, Bloggerella, was staging a coup!Of course, with her being French, the takeover was remarkably easy. She surrendered immediately. But she left behind some really fabulous wine!
( . . . now if I could just figure out what all of these little button thingies are for . . .)
Posted by Jody at 04:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well I guess since everyone
Firefox users, if you can read this. Please let me know.
I suspect that you can't. But this blog has not gone anywhere, regardless where you are directed.
I am still here. Honest.
Just a little bit more frustrated...
Posted by Jody at 07:42 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Remember this post? The meme
Remember this post? The meme tagging thing? Well it is no longer a candidate for the bonfire of the vanities, because now it is the coolest post I've done all week!Thanks to Ogre the creator of this meme. He is TRACKING, yes keeping track, of all the responses...(Janette...hint,hint).
So if you want to know how far a lame...um cool...idea can go out on the blogosphere. Look no further. Well you have to look a little further, just click here and then look no further.
And no, this is not too much time on your hands; this is creativity at it's finest. I am jealous.
I know. But statistics, and graphs and matrices are so cool to me. That's normal right?
Posted by Jody at 12:04 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 20, 2005
Who can I go to
Who can I go to request an extra day or so? Is there a committee? A form I need to fill out? Someone let me know...Posted by Jody at 11:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Per Rightpundit: Statements such

Statements such as democrats are going to use Terri Schiavo for political advantage. Such as Republicans are evil. Such as, �You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here.� Such as calling Republicans �brain dead�.
Per the MSM: Not a whole lot.
Hmmm...sounds like they're both right to me... ;)
Posted by Jody at 06:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 19, 2005
This story is posted over
This story is posted over at papercut chainsaw about the marathon runner who ...took a...um... rest stop during the race:Radcliffe, who broke British hearts when she tearfully dropped out of the Athens Olympic marathon last year, shocked viewers and commentators alike when she pulled over to the side of the road and crouched.
Fans feared a humiliating repeat of her Grecian failure, when, as the hot favourite she staggered off the road and out of the race with cramps.
Instead, it was an embarrassment of an entirely different kind as the world record holder made a televised toilet stop.
She then quickly recovered her stride and romped to victory, breaking the line at Buckingham Palace in one of the fastest women's times in history.
Well I guess her persistence should be admired. There's a picture too...but yeah, wasn't going to post that.
Posted by Jody at 09:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I only had to take
I only had to take my driving test once.Seo Sang-moon of South Korea had to take his driving test 272 times to finally pass it.
Posted by Jody at 09:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Not only did Marc over
Not only did Marc over at hubs and spokes, predict that there might be some disagreement "among the media and the progressive elite" about the new choice of the pope. He also predicted that the pope would be Catholic. I am impressed.Posted by Jody at 09:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
It is hard to
I wasn't alive to remember when JFK was shot. But I have lived knowing that his assassination was engraved permanently in the memory of our country. The Oklahoma City Bombing is one of those incidents. Growing up I remember where I was when the space shuttle blew up (the Challenger) and when I first heard the news of the Oklahoma City Bombing and of course, 9-11.
I remember Baylee Almon. Pictured here below:
This one year old child died because of an evil man. This picture reflects the bombing more to me than any picture of a building does. In one moment, it shows the results of evil and it also shows the goodness of that poor fireman who I'm sure lives everyday with the memory of holding Baylee in his arms.
We have as a country been through a lot since this incident. 9-11 has placed a shadow upon the Oklahoma City Bombing. When we think of destruction and terrorism, the two twin towers comes instantly to mind. The evil that can be done by man is no longer unknown to us. We are not ignorant that so many want to harm us. No good reasons required.
I remember the shock and the total loss of security I felt when we found out that the Oklahoma City bombing was not a foreign terrorist threat. It was one of our own. The betrayal of an American caused this pain and destruction.
Yes we can go on and place these incidents in the back of our mind but they are there. Engraved. Only a few moments of reflection takes us back to where we were, what we were thinking. The shock. The pain. The destruction. The utter helplessness and despair.
So much of the incident showed the evilness of man, but so much of the recovery gave us hope.
The fireman doing all he can to save a child. The survivors. The resilience of a city. Of a country. The doctors and nurses who in one instance were transported into war ravaged conditions. The people, who after losing their daughters and sons, their mothers and fathers, who can never forget; but still they can live. The volunteers who never rested until all who needed assistance were helped.
I will never forget. I can never forget. It is not an option and if it were, I would not choose it. We as a nation can not forget. To forget the pain, would be to forget the bravery and the people who stepped beyond the call of duty to help complete strangers. To forget would be to deny that it occurred. To forget would mean that Baylee and her brave fireman would be forgotten as well.
Update: Michelle Malkin has insights as well. Firewolf's blog relates this incident with immigration (interestingly enough, it makes sense).
Posted by Jody at 07:43 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 18, 2005
William Teach, the famous blogging
William Teach, the famous blogging pirate has tagged me for this fun meme. Here is how it works:Immediately following there is a list ofSo here is my reply, and yes this is a cop out...181920 different occupations. You must select at least 5 of them (feel free to select more). You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select 5 of the items as it was passed to you). Each one begins with "If I could be..." Of the 5 you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession.For example, if the selected occupation was "pirate" you might take the phrase "If I could be a pirate..." and add to it "I would sail the 7 Seas, dating lasses from around the worlde." See how easy that is? Here's the list:
If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer... If I could be a musician... If I could be a doctor... If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener... If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef... If I could be an architect... If I could be a linguist... If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian... If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer... If I could be an innkeeper... If I could be a professor... If I could be a writer... If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate... If I could be an astronaut...
If I could be a librarian, I would read a book on how to become a llama-rider. Then I would travel the world as a llama-rider because if I could be a llama-rider I am sure I would be unique. And with such a unique adventure, I am sure I could find enough material to write a book. Then if I could be a writer, I would be invited to teach at an university although my only qualification is that I put a few sentences together about llamas no less. If I then could be a professor, I would torture my students with excessive pop quizzes and required essays on a meaningful life changing event in their lives. And I would not grade on a curve. At all. Then I would quit mid-semester and take all my grading notes and rolls and leave the students and the faculty to have to recreate the course work from scratch in order for them to receive credit (and no, haven't thought about this much). After that fiasco, it it is only obviously that I would have to be a bonnie-pirate and sail the 7 seas and tag 3 other people to do this awful meme...
Let's see....
(Thanks William for the thought, now just wait for my turn to "tag" you with something...)
Update: Kris has hers up and she even did it like it was susposed to be done. Go check it out.
Update2: Haha! My cunning ploy worked and I have been linked on basil's website. Go read his thoughtful awe inspiring answers ...well they're answers....
Now we wait for Janette at CommonSenseRunsWild... and wait...and wait... ;)
Posted by Jody at 11:06 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I first saw this at
I first saw this at Jeff's place, then it spread to Stacy. Janette caught up with it over there and when I finally thought maybe I could ignore it, Beth posted it too. So now I officially must jump on the "bandwagon" and confess to all my good readers...
Your Inner European is French! |
![]() You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
Sigh. Who would've thought such a thing?
Posted by Jody at 09:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 17, 2005
A week ago, the

A week ago, the church that I attended all my life before I married and moved about 40 miles north, hosted a large youth rally. It was the first in many years that I did not attend. Our youth pastor and his wife escorted our youth group and they were sincerely touched. The singing was wonderful. The preaching was phenomenal and ministered to so many souls. Over 1000 people attended to worship and praise God.
One of these attendees was a little girl from a small church in Ruskin, Fl. She too was among the many young people who were touched. Her youth pastor says she stayed in the altar weeping and praying for 45 minutes. She was 13, from a broken neglectful home and the little country church had become her refuge and God was sincerely her personal savior.
This little girl was last seen alive the evening her youth pastor dropped her off at home after the rally had ended.
An evil man took her life in what seems to be an all too common story. And this morning, I had to explain to my Sunday School kids why these things happen to someone who believed that God was her help, her hope and her strength. Where was God for Sarah Lunde?
I told them that the rain falls on the just and the unjust and we are blessed to know God during the storms. Sarah is with God now, she is fine, better than she ever has been before. It is her family and friends that need the strength now. We prayed. And I saw my kids realize once again that they are not safe. They will never be completely secure, and if it could happen to one of the 1000 attendees at a youth rally, it could happen to them. We talked how it wasn't about living our lives in fear but living our lives smartly and trusting our instincts and allowing us to still trust in Him.
There is never a right thing to say about these things. It is terrible and horrific and should never ever happen. But the world has become so evil, man has become selfish and willing only to please themselves. Thinking nothing of the consequences or the hurt they will bring, but only of the few moments of primitive sastifaction and the power. The absolute rage that I feel toward these individuals is only softened when I remind myself that justice will be done. If not here, then later with God as the perfect judge.
I guess the only thing that we can do is pray. Pray for Sarah's family and her church family. Her friends and youth group. They have experienced a tremendous loss that only few can imagine.
Posted by Jody at 11:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 16, 2005
What's the quickest way for
Follow the usually sane and reasonable Ed Morrissey's request to refuse to send more money to the GOP. Here is his post, No. Not One Dime.
He is understandably upset with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's ineffective leadership and ability to stand up against opposition from Democrats over judicial nominations. Yes, this is a huge issue and I recommend that anyone reading this to pick up your phone or email the Senator to express you disappointment with his leadership. Although this man may need to be replaced as Majority Leader, harming everyone by refusing to support the entire party is not the solution.
I have never always agreed with the entire platform with the Republican party, although I identify with it more than the Democrat's ideology by a long shot. Yes, I want the big things solved. I want the judicial system back in control of conservatives not judicial activists. I want better immigration control (although my opinion about the minutemen may be very different than most of my fellow Republicans). I want social security fixed so the money I pay every two weeks will at least come back to me eventually. I want more choice in where I send my daughter to school. I want my husband's business to have incentives and the economic freedom to continue to grow. I want to pay less to the government and be able to be trusted with how I spend my money. I want what most of the Republican party does.
These desires of mine do not equate in any way to what the Democrats of the federal legislature have shown that they desire. They want judicial activists, they have not been pushing for immigration control until recently (thanks to Hillary wanting a chance to be elected in 2008), they have said that social security does not need to be fixed and that our education system should be left alone. Vouchers and Charter Schools are not their solutions. They want to demonize big business and corporations when I can only dream of the day that my husband is a big business. They do not believe that tax cuts are necessary and many of their programs would require more of my money being sent to the government.
If I refuse to support the party that I can mostly identify with on most aspects of my ideology then I will be represented by the party that I identify with the least.
In our government, no one will get everything they want regardless of what party brochure they believe. We find the party that represents us and work within those confines. This is how it has always worked, and how it will always work until someone thinks of a better solution. Do you think the founding fathers were 100% sastified with the government they created? No it was a compromise for the greater good. Sometimes compromise is not a dirty word.
We need to grow up and realize that government is just a bunch of imperfect people trying to work together to keep this thing going. It is not such a bad idea to know that you are not always going to be happy. And it is not even a bad idea if a few make you unhappy to withdraw your support politically and financially from those few.
But it is a terrible idea to punish everyone for the sins of a few.
More thoughts on this can be found at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy here and here. You should actually go now and read the posts linked above, then read them again. Beth makes sense (as usual).
And Matt Margolis over at GOPbloggers says, "Give until it hurts."
Update (4/17):
Rightwing Nut House warns against the Goldwater Syndrome contending that, "It was there that Republicans sealed their own fate by proving they�d rather be �right� than win. This attitude manifested itself in the inability of Goldwaterites to recognize that by drumming the Rockefeller wing out of the Republican party, they were dooming themselves to almost permanent minority status."
Marchand Chronicles offers the unique solution that the Republicans should let the Democrats continue to filibuster reasoning that, "America won't stand for the Republicans attempting to break the filibuster with brute force. Let it die like every other unsuccessful filibuster has."
Captain Ed Morrissey stands firm with his stance saying that we need to remember the personal side of this issue and the nominees who are hurt by the Democrats grandstanding. He writes, "Starting on Monday, I plan a series of posts on how the GOP has allowed this process to mistreat others who have spent years trying their best to support justice and the rule of law while our Senators wait, McClelland-like, for a mythical "perfect opportunity" to call the vote." Again, I completely understand the frustration, just not the solution offered by Ed Morrissey.
Mark Noonan's compelling piece about the "art" of possibilities in politics and that to "get incensed that in April of 2005 (ie, not three months into the second term in which President Bush said that Social Security would be the main domestic priority) that the borders aren't airtight against illegals is absurd; to get incensed that President Bush hasn't managed to push through reform on a 60 year old American political icon (Social Security) in 60 days is absurd; to get incensed that the GOP Senate leadership hasn't successfully concluded the battle over judicial filibusters in 60 days is absurd...things take time; and in politics, they generally take a lot of time." I agree completely.
Beth at MVRWC is compiling a list of bloggers who say that cutting the Republican party off financially is not the solution. She has done a great job calling both Ed Morrissey and Hugh Hewitt on their quick withdraw of support to the GOP.
What do you think? Let me know, I am interested in any ideas or solutions you may have.
Posted by Jody at 09:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 15, 2005
In celebration of this
Yep 100% tax-free!
Go on, knock yourselves out.
* Certain restrictions apply. Not applicable in the lower 48 states and Alaska and Hawaii. Void where prohibited.
Posted by Jody at 07:41 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 14, 2005
It's not the fanciest in
It's not the fanciest in the world, not the fastest either, and it doesn't hold as much as some of the newfangled ones these days; but this has been my best friend for the past few weeks. My reason for being able to come home from work. Because I could take my work with me. Thank you, wonderful, thumbdrive. Because of you, I have a life (well actually, I guess that is questionable since I am doing a post dedicated to my thumbdrive).Besides the PC and DSL and the big things, what small piece of technology (like my thumbdrive) is your favorite or most helpful gadget?
Posted by Jody at 11:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Girly Girl What kind

What kind of little girl were YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
Considering the majority of my readership appears to be male, I won't even ask that you take this quiz... hat tip: My favorite Angry Girl (Janette, over at CSRW)
Posted by Jody at 09:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 13, 2005
First I asked everyone to
First I asked everyone to play the interview game. Beth graciously agreed and I ignored her responses and never linked to them!Second, she emailed me and asked me to do a South Park Character for her wonderful gallery.
Which she promptly posted, again, I never linked to her. Here is my caricature of myself, by the way. (Yes, it would not have been me if my mouth was not open.)
Then she does a phenomenal bonfire of the vanities, which I completely ignored (yep, no link!). You have to make bad blog posts sound at least interesting, that takes talent, for sure. The only reason that I didn't submit one is because I couldn't choose one of the many of last week's posts...although I think "the one that shall not be named" would have been a fine addition...
Of course now, if I do an all things Beth post, I really should do an all things Jeff post for all the non-reciprocated links. And an all things Janette post for all the unanswered emails...and an all things Reggie for the hundred tips he's given to me...and an all things Dave because of his tireless campaign to save the hubble...and an all things Stacy because of all her insightful comments...and an all things Darlene to once again tell her how much I appreciate the web design and the haloscan image (oops, another unanswered email)...and...
Well I'm out of time. Guess that will all just have to wait. ;)
Posted by Jody at 10:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I almost feel sorry for
Casualties continuing to decline in Iraq (via RightPundit and No Oil for Pacifists).
First woman governor ever in the history of Afghanistan (yes, Afghanistan) appointed (via Speed of Thought).
And Afghanistan president, Karzai may request a permanent US military base in Afghanistan...
But don't worry! You can always complain about the price of oil. Oh wait, if you mention that, it might be like admitting that the Iraq war wasn't about oil afterall. No, don't do that.
I know! Don't worry because as so many of your blogs have delightful counters to remind you; Bush only has 1378 days left in office. And you know, just like I do, that no plan is perfect; so you might as well hope for the best...er...worst?
Posted by Jody at 10:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 12, 2005
LarkNews.Com, I'm not sure how
LarkNews.Com, I'm not sure how to take this page. It is very funny. EXTREMELY funny. But it does seem to be a bit on the edge. It is like the Onion for Christians. I guess Christians can read it and laugh at themselves and non-Christians can read it and laugh at...well...Christians.I think this satirical article about only two people making it in the rapture actually after the laughter provokes some thought as well:
The Rapture occurred March 31, 2005, at 9:43 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time and took both people on the planet whose theology was exactly correct.
Dan Wilson of Ottawa, Canada, was snatched away while sleeping."He spent years refining his eschatological scheme," says his wife. "Just last week he told me he had it all right, but I still disagreed with him on a minor point. I regret that now."
Rejna Thanawalla of New Delhi, India, also experienced the Rapture, say friends.
"She knew exactly what the books of Revelation and Daniel meant," they say. "Sadly, none of us listened to her."
This is an issue most Christians have dealt with. So many denominations preaching that they are correct and with everyone saying they are right, how do we know who is truly correct? I think this is also a breaking point for some who would be willing to become Christians but they can't understand the division between groups.
Make no mistake about it, a clear plan has been established in His Word to be "saved. " It begins with belief but once there is a true belief established, an action must follow. If I believed today that the world would end at midnight, my actions would be profoundly different than the day before.
Once we put our beliefs into our action, our journey has begun.
Will we become content with just our belief? Or our subsequent action? Our repentance? Our baptism? Our receiving of the Holy Ghost? Contentment in our lives should never equate to contentment in our relationship with God. We should be rooted firmly in the principles of His Word but we should always be willing to walk further with Him.
God holds the world in his eternal hands. He is infinite and without reproach. His word is forever. His universe is vast and without bounds. Our journey does not end with a signature on the church membership roll or achieving the tenets established by any denomination. Our journey is not limited to such things for such an unlimited God.
I make no claims to having it all figured out, but lately I have wanted something more than my regular path. I am sick of the mundane. I am sick of every stumble and every detour I take. I let the little things that I shouldn't even consider, be the things that cause me to fail. I am constantly questioning my purpose and my calling, although God has already settled these things. I let gossip hinder. I let arguments weigh me down. I let discord be sown. I let pride trample humility. I let me get in the way of Him and...
And I can't help but wonder what would happen if we all, if I, who claim Jesus Christ as Lord of All, stepped away from the labels of our chosen denominations and just began our journey for ourselves. I am not talking about abandoning our churches, I am talking about taking our faith outside of those Sunday morning walls and walking with Him in his Word everyday. Walking with Him without the burden of our self-made fences and limits. Without confining our God to our narrow view of Him.
But walking with Him, having the faith to know that He is able and willing to do so much more than what we can even imagine. What treasures we would find and what gifts we would receive. Living for God is not just about being right when the rapture comes, but about serving a God who gave His life for us so we could have eternal life. It is about now. And how we decide to live. Either for ourselves with God contained, or for God with ourselves contained. What comes later will be right and good according to a perfect God; and we will have lived a much fuller life on earth because of His love and mercy.
Posted by Jody at 09:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Oh? Nope. Just checking. Would
Oh? Nope. Just checking.
Would it matter?
Considering the email I received this afternoon,"We will work all weekend if we have to...".
Um. Ok.
Posted by Jody at 03:27 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I meant to mention this
If you're a prolific blog reader, like me, then a useful tool is Bloglines. You can subscribe to get daily update feeds of your favorite blogs so you can only need to go one place to get the scoop. Usually I start there and end up going to the site I am reading anyway because the feed is usually not a complete feed of the site. I think it is a good way to scan what is going on and a way to keep track of the ever growing list of my favorite bloggers. It is also helpful to bloggers who are suffering from "blogger's block"; you can always piggyback off a post from your list of favorites.
I also include sites that I don't regularly visit but are nice to check up on once and a while.
Just trying to be helpful (I can do that occasionally), go check it out and see if it is something you would like to have. If it is, don't forget to subscribe to my blog! (Of course!)
Posted by Jody at 02:37 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Gee. When I disagree with
The wording on this shirt, in case you are as blind as me says,"Dear Tom Delay, Please Commit Suicide. Sincerely, Everyone."
Posted by Jody at 01:48 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 11, 2005
I am going to post
I am going to post today. Later. (Yes, technically this is a post, but I am not referring to this post. In fact I will never refer to this post.) Update (4-12): Ugh. Nevermind.
Posted by Jody at 11:47 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 09, 2005
In a moment of weakness,
In a moment of weakness, I bought the baby a Betta fish. Similar to the one pictured below:
Well actually it doesn't look much like that one at all, but you get the idea.
Now does anyone have any suggestions how to tell a 2 year old why she can't hold it?
Posted by Jody at 07:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 08, 2005
Not exactly. Why was Terri
"Grandmama is old and I think it is time she went home to Jesus. She has glaucoma and now this heart problem, and who would want to live with disabilities like these?" (emphasis added)
Update (4-12): I meant to update this Saturday but that didn't happen. This story has a happy ending in that Mae has been given a chance to live. Mae was airlifted to the local hospital and immediately given nourishment after 10 days of being denied food and water. Click here for the complete story.
An interesting aspect of this story is the fact that the family members who supported Mae's right to live, give credit to the blogs set up to support Terri Schiavo's fight for getting out the message. BlogsforTerri was an instrumental component of helping save Mae's life. It is nice to know that the organization to support life and to fight against euthanasia can now branch out and help others.
Never is the work for good done in vain.
Posted by Jody at 11:10 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 07, 2005
Me. At Work. Drowning.

Me trying to balance: Family. Work. Friends. Church.
B l o g g i n g.
This blog for awhile until I can reprioritize and pick up the balls again...
I will be around, just not as much, pray for me. I need it.
Posted by Jody at 06:54 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 06, 2005
Found via It's A Pundit:
Found via It's A Pundit:Quite possibly the coolest search engine since Gizoogle:
Posted by Jody at 01:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 05, 2005
Maybe to the bloggers and
You might be disappointed at the amount of bloggers who agree with you on political issues who now do not want to be associated with your posts; well you can't be more disappointed than faithful readers such as myself who have become disillusioned by your arrogance and pride.
No one has a perfect blog (I of all people realize this) and personal posts are fine. It is your site, do what you will, but when you have to say that you're saying something "without puffed up pride", then maybe you need to examine your own heart. And I'm sorry, but if you can take the accolades from people you "don't-know-me-like-that" then you must realize that in this type of open forum; you have opened yourself up to criticism and dissent as well.
I am sure you know that being a Christian is more about labels. More about than saying you are one. It is about spirit and about humility. It is about showing kindness, love and charity. Yes, there is certainly a place to discuss doctrine and it is good to do so; but do you really think you will convert Catholics by criticizing and demeaning something important to their faith? You and I may not agree or even understand their idolization of the pope, but they are hurting and need time to grieve before tearing apart their faith. Compassion leads more to the full revelation of Christ than Criticism any day.
You are more than welcome to disagree with me.
Posted by Jody at 10:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Or a miscellaneous post just
Haloscan is not counting my comments right, so now do I get upset even though I know there are an even amount of comments on the post if it is showing an odd number? I think I will stand with the actual manual count...I can live with knowing there are an even amount of comments even if stupid haloscan says there is an odd number. Maybe I am starting to improve?
I am exhausted because I have been working a ton of hours. I like to think this is what is sinking the quality of this blog and not just my natural tendency to ramble and go on about uninteresting things and make a big deal about the mundane.
No, it must be because I am working loooonnnng hours. We have been in meetings about the impending computer system change occurring next year. These meetings have been informative (not), interesting (yawn!) and quite a valuable resource for everyone (a complete waste of my time). I just can't wait until work tomorrow.
Okay that's it. See? If I had organized this post with bullets I would've had to think of a third thing!
Oooo! Wait! Just thought of something else! Why does blogger's spell check not have words on file like: Trackback, Haloscan and...oh... B L O G?!
Posted by Jody at 09:49 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 3,1963 - March

December 3,1963 - March 31, 2005
Terri Schiavo. A life. Not a political campaign. Not a contest. Not a game. Not a reason to be right or wrong. Not even a reason to argue. Not a reason to throw stones and to threaten others. She is not a symbol or a martyr. She is a disabled woman that someone deemed had no worth. Let us show her worth through her memory, not by who said the most clever thing or wrote the best article. Certainly not by arguing and fighting among ourselves or viciously attacking others. But by respecting life and living. By coming together and giving a voice to those who cannot speak and by not letting her die in vain.
(also posted at Common Sense Runs Wild)
Originally written March 30,2005; this message will appear on top of this blog for a while to serve as a reminder to anyone who would like to read about Terri Schiavo. Thank you.
Posted by Jody at 12:55 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 04, 2005
With the help of Darlene,
With the help of Darlene, who writes Blogger, Can you Spare A Dime?; my little space on the web is no longer a blight on all that is good and creative. I hope you like it, but if you don't, just keep it to yourself. ;)Thanks, Darlene for all your help and creativity!
Update: I have also sold out, (see sidebar). I don't expect it to make me much money but Janette over at CommonSenseRunsWild told me that it was the quickest way to become noticed by Google. And I want to be noticed!
Posted by Jody at 11:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
What if something newsworthy
Oh wait. We always have Instapundit!
Which by the way, can't get an "instalanche" to save my life but I have received lots of attention on the very funny parody site, It's A Pundit.
Hmmm...maybe I should just rethink the quality of this blog...I can be a serious relevant blogger. Honest.
But do I want to be?
Posted by Jody at 07:14 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 03, 2005
Well I guess the big
Well I guess the big news is Sandy Berger pleading guilty to taking classified documents from the National Archives.You remember Sandy Berger, right?

Sandy Berger, was one a national security advisor under the Clinton administration and was caught taking classified documents pertaining to Al Qaeda actions against the United States before September 11th. He had the highest security clearance granted by the government. So he had access to just about anything.
Now read the papers about these documents he took and the MSM will helpfully suggest that these were all copies of a particular document. Captain Ed brings up the excellent point that:
They were not exact copies; each memo started off as a copy of an original draft by Richard Clarke, but the memos had handwritten notes from each recipient as comments, requests for revision, and suggestions for possible action. Each document was unique, and their destruction by Mr. Scissors means that we will never know what some did with Clarke's information. All we know is that it must have reflected badly on Berger, Clinton, or both. Otherwise, why would Berger destroy them?
You know what really bothers me about this? Not that someone from the Clinton Administration would pilfer or destroy something not belonging to them or have no respect for the rules. Seriously after eight years living under that reign of incompetence, I've come to expect no less.
What really bothers me is that the safety and protection of the American people was not as important as covering his own butt and all he is set to receive as punishment is a $10,000 fine and he will have to surrender his security clearance...for three years.
Really? So after three years he can resume stealing classified documents from the archives?
Why not? It's not like he intended to destroy documents related to the national security country and that these particular documents were being asked for by the 9/11 commission to determine how to better secure this nation. Really, it's not like he committed treason or anything.
Posted by Jody at 09:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
My *new* car has

1. Britney
2. Maroon 5
3. Harry Connick, Jr (I love Harry...)
4. Wow 2005 Gospel disc 1
5. Wow 2005 Gospel disc 2
6. Garth Brooks Greatest Hits
I don't even want to think about what this eclectic mix of music says about me.
What are you listening to?
Posted by Jody at 02:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 02, 2005
I rode Thomas the Train

Posted by Jody at 11:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well spacemonkey posting over at
Well spacemonkey posting over at IMAO has convinced me. I am now going to blog only on the weekends. No need for those high traffic weekdays anyway, the traffic rarely gets here anyway. So from this point on, consider this your blog source for weekends. And weekends only...What do you think?
Posted by Jody at 11:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I admit that this

However saying that does not negate the good man that this pope is and the sadness and tremendous loss Catholics and many others will experience at his death. I think Marc over at hubs and spokes expresses my sentiments exactly and so much better than I could, so please take a look at this thoughtful post:
He stood by his principles even when they were unpopular. And now as he reaches the end of his journey, we see his commitment to the truth that all human life has value, even in suffering, from the very beginning to the very end.
Posted by Jody at 08:04 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 01, 2005
A 2005 Honda Civic

Posted by Jody at 11:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I just emailed Beth, Drew
I just emailed Beth, Drew and Dave who agreed to play my interview game these questions:1. When did you first hear the word blog? Or which was the first blog that you regularly read?
2. If you had to change one event in history, what would you change?
3. The dinner party question: Name two people living or dead that you would invite. And why?
4. Name a major influence in your life.
5. What do you think your blog says about you? And what do you think it omits?
I will let you know when they respond, in the meantime, if you'd like to answer my questions, please do so either in my comments or on your own blog and leave a trackback!
See we can all play! Isn't that fun?
Update: Drews very interesting responses can be found here. And Dave has sent me an email of his responses but he won't post them on his blog because he can't follow the rules! :)
So I guess I am just waiting on Beth...and all of you commenters!
Update2 (4/3): Dave's answers can now be found at his blog: Save the Hubble. Go check them out.
Posted by Jody at 02:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Speaking of going bad,

Speaking of going bad, here are a few sites you should check out:
ht: basil's blog
Posted by Jody at 07:51 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack