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August 31, 2005
**Important** Coast Guard Hotline
This information comes from a reliable source from Darleen. It is imperative to get the word out so please make sure to let everyone who may need this number know. Thanks!
State OES has learned that trapped victims on the Gulf Coast are calling family, friends, loved-ones, or anyone they can get a call out to in California asking for someone to rescue them. These requests need to go immediately to the US Coast Guard's Rescue Line at 800-323-7233 and immediate assistance will be sent.Please distribute this information as widely as possible.
Technorati tag: katrina
Posted by Jody at 10:14 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
95% of gulf oil production lost
It is what it is reports that more than 95% of gulf oil production has been estimated as lost... just one word:
No hurricanes there...
Update: And in the great minds category, Stacy says "drill, drill, drill"...
Posted by Jody at 10:08 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
August 30, 2005
I've been absolutely glued to coverage on this force of nature. The absolute destruction has been utterly frightening and awe inspiring as well. The scenes in New Orleans remind me of a movie or some eery dream but it is all too real... I close my eyes and try to imagine being there and quickly open them again, because it is just too terrible to imagine.
God. Words can't describe the devastation. Or my sincere hopes and prayers to all those involved.
What can we do to help?
Posted by Jody at 10:35 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Camp Casey vs. Camp Reality
Beth at Yeah, Right, Whatever took a trip to Crawford, Texas.
You read right... we drove up to Crawford. I'd love to say that we had a special invite to have bbq at the Western White House, but that's not quite right. We were there to...well, like I said yesterday, we went to reclaim something that was being used by someone who had no right to it.
Definitely worth reading.
Also here is an interesting observation that Beth makes in this post:
In my post about our trip yesterday, I mentioned that the folks at Camp Casey seemed... organized... professional... there are quite a few of them who are camping there for the duration... good food and supplies... now Mother Sheehan's Mystery Bus Tour...How many tens of thousands of dollars are being spent in that small town in Texas? And who's paying for it? And why?
I have avoided blogging about Cindy Sheehan. I just don't think she's as newsworthy as the MSM would like her to be... but I do think if we could find the deep pockets of "Camp Casey" that can provide their protestors with free food and supplies is an interesting story, indeed.
According to local ABC affiliate news channel 7 based in California, Fenton Communications is in charge of the PR campaign which has done extensive work with Moveon.org and did their ad campaign which tried to discredit Alberto Gonzalez.
Others helping fund the "marketing" of Cindy Sheehan's message:
Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry's fame
Moveon.org (ever heard of them?)
Democracy for America (Howard Dean's organization)
Code Pink
And what are these organizations funding? They are funding bitterness, anger and an emotionally unbalanced woman:
Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy - Cindy Sheehan, 03/15/05
If you think this about one woman's plea to the president, you are sadly mistaken. This is a highly funded, slick, campaign for the Democrat party. This is a way to discredit the president and to discourage the nation regarding Iraq. Stop listening to some woman who's son only wanted to serve his country with honor who's memory has been shattered by his mother's hysterical pleas.
Posted by Jody at 04:22 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
The best kind of Dame...
Ogre told me to find out what kind of dame that I am.
Well... like I said, I am the best kind of dame...
Katharine Hepburn You scored 28% grit, 28% wit, 38% flair, and 19% class! | |
You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women. Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test.
Posted by Jody at 10:28 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack "Because We Can"![]() Cotillion was cancelled today. We were going to blame it on the rain... But some people don't know when to quit, which is so cool in it's own right. So make sure to visit The American Princess today who decided to post it "all by herself" and did an absolutely phenomenal job. And I think my very own guest blogger, William Teach has become the first MALE writer highlighted in a Cotillion blogger...see history in the making there, don't you just feel so proud? (Great job, E.M...you rock!) Posted by Jody at 08:32 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack August 29, 2005yeah i'm backNo more guest bloggers to keep this blog running and maintaining the quality...and at times exceeding the quality...of this blog. I'm not promising anything great...never have, but I promise a little bit of sincerity, maybe a slight snark here or there and maybe if you're lucky, something interesting to read. Anyone still willing to read? Signed, The bad, lazy, totally creatively drained,blogger who is ready to start blogging again, if it kills her. Posted by Jody at 10:20 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack August 28, 2005Katrina: Historical ComparisonTake another shot at this, make sure I hit the "post" button before closing IE down. The 5pm statement on Katrina shows max sustained winds of 165, hurricane force winds out to 105 miles, and tropical storm winds to 230 (which is an increase.) The minimum central pressure is 902Mb/26.64 inches. The rainfall estimates are not that bad, in comparison to smaller hurricanes, but, unlike say, Fran, which hit NC in 1996, Louisiana is a low lying state, with tons of lakes and a high water table to start with. During Fran, 8-10 inches dropped outside my apartment: it never flooded, there were places for the water to go. No in southern La., though. The lowest pressure ever was Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 with a minimum central pressure of 888Mb and winds of 185mph. Only Camille and the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 had higher winds. Now, the winds with Katrina are less then any of those three. But, with a very low central pressure for Katrina, the storm surge will be horrendous.
My prayers are for all those who were not able to get out of N.O and the surrounding areas, such as tourists stuck when the flights were canceled, and those who just do not have the money. For those who decided to "ride it out," God watches out for little children and fools. Not complete idiots. Cross posted at Pirate's Cove. Posted by William Teach at 06:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Top Ten ListsTop Ten Rejected New Attractions At Universal Orlando
The Top Ten Things Men Understand About Women 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. And the number one thing that men understand about women <crickets> Yeah, yeah, I had some real good historical info on hurricanes, comparing Katrina to them, and, forgot to hit the "post" button. Oops. Posted by William Teach at 04:48 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack Be Careful of that Special Gift, Ladiesprotect her privatesEver worry about your wife cheating? make sure you will never be forgottenforget-me-not panties™ have built-in GPS and unique sensor technology giving you the forget-me-not advantage. ROTFLOL. Some people have too much time on their hands. Posted by William Teach at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack August 27, 2005Aaarrrrr, a Pirate's namin'Ye know, that Jody wench be needin' a Piratical name for International Talk Like a Pirate Day, on the 19th o' September. Ogre be finding a perfect way to make sure lass Jody is ready to go. Get your own name at Fidus. Aaarrr, that be perfect fer her, eh? Now, ye shall all go get thy Piratical names. Do we have an accord? It is up to Cap'n Flint to pick the name o' her ship here. Posted by William Teach at 08:48 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack Chickendove'sAll liberal's are Chickendove's unless they themselves are:
So, put your money where your mouths are, Libs, or prove yourself Chickendoves! Posted by William Teach at 10:49 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack August 26, 2005Friday Night FunniesRan across a website called Video Tiger, some good stuff First, liberals at work This is actually very cute. Seriously. One for the ladies. And finally, here is an Al Queda reject. Posted by William Teach at 07:20 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack August 25, 2005Damn Commie Hurricane
After that, Comrade Katrina may well take a shot at other Right Wing Nuts, such as basil and Back Country Conservative. A swing a bit to the west might let her come see Miss Beth. See! It's a vast Left Wing Conspiracy!!!! Friday Update: looks like Katrina might be affecting Beth more then expected by Monday. Sorry, Beth. PS: If your name is Katrina and you are reading this, it's a joke. Comrade ;) Posted by William Teach at 05:08 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack The truth hurts......Get over it! A woman filed a complaint against Dr. Terry Bennett in New Hampshire because he diagnosed her as obese... “I told a fat woman she was obese,” Bennett says. “I tried to get her attention. I told her, 'You need to get on a program, join a group of like-minded people and peel off the weight that is going to kill you.'" Dr. Bennet's diagnosis apparently hurt this woman's feelings. Great. The worst part of this entire thing is the fact this complaint hasn't already been thrown out. You go to a doctor for your health. You receive a diagnosis and then you choose to accept the diagnosis or get a second opinion. If the doctor does not have a good bedside manner or does not fit your personality, then go to another doctor; don't submit a complaint to the state saying that the doctor hurt your feelings! Should doctor's now have to worry about giving good solid medical advice because they might hurt a patient's feelings? Apparently so... I guess this lady should've seen if Richard Simmons was available to make her feel better about her rolls of fat instead of a real medical professional trying to help her to feel better. Update: Jo from Jo's Cafe says that this woman needs to go eat a carrot...love it! Posted by Jody at 04:43 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack Michael Yon: Gates of FireMichael Yon has posted a new dispatch from Iraq. This one is a must read. Give me some ammo! Give me a magazine!" I yelled, and the young 2nd lieutenant handed over a full 30-round magazine. I jacked it in, released the bolt and hit the forward assist. I had only one magazine, so checked that the selector was on semi-automatic. I ran back to the corner of the shop and looked at LTC Kurilla who was bleeding, and saw CSM Prosser's extremely bloody leg inside the shop, the rest of him was still obscured from view. I was going to run into the shop and shoot every man with a gun. And I was scared to death.Read the entire thing at Michael Yon: Online Magazine [Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild] Posted by Janette Stripling at 03:18 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack The Cotillion Carnival 23AUG05
This week the Carnival is hosted by: The Women Are Back And They're In The Cotillion Fast Cars And Hot Conservative Women What Is It About Boots? It's Cotillion Time...And I'm A Host Be sure to check out the submissions by each lovely hostess. Posted by Janette Stripling at 11:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 24, 2005That's Some Expensive DoodyFrom WRAL (Raleigh) A man who found a clever way to conceal evidence from an jewelry store heist will spend the next six to eight months in prison. Gives a whole new meaning to "a diamond in the rough," eh? Posted by William Teach at 06:10 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack Mu.Nu is back!!!Now you might not have noticed my blog being gone but I'm sure you noticed some of the fabulous Mu.Nu blogs being down for a bit...well Pixy Misa (aka. the genius) has fixed us up real nice and we're back! Yay! Others may have experienced a real blogging withdrawl -- the awful intense feeling that no one could access your site and that you could not give all your dear wonderful readers a post worth reading; some might have not noticed their blog was down until this morning when she received an email from basil offering to help out by posting an alternate link to your site... um... but I won't tell you which group that I was in... Thanks to basil and beth for graciously offering their help to all the wonderful munuvians out there(I love being a munuvian by the way...our lunch table is always where all the cool kids sit...) but honestly I wouldn't go back to my "emergency" back-up blogger site if you threatened to gouge my eyes out and stick them up my nostrils... but that's just me. Posted by Jody at 03:59 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack August 23, 2005First Lib Lead Balloon Found!Must Cite Steal the Bandwagon!!! The first ever liberal lead balloon has been identified in the southwestern part of the United States. It has taken much hard work to uncover this. If we zoom in on this picture from Roswell, New Mexico, from the summer of 1947, we see the evidence: Posted by William Teach at 09:59 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 22, 2005Dems ImplodingThe head of the DMC (Democratic Moonbat Council), Markos "Screw 'em" Zuniga (no relation to Daphne Zuniga of Spaceballs fame), has had a long running feud with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) for control of the Party. The DLC is made up of the relatively normal Democrats (which propelled Bill Clinton to the Presidency), pitted against the Kosbat/Dean/Boxer/Kennedy/Pelosi et al style Dems. Now, according to Kosbat, something big is going to go down in two weeks:
This long running feud isn't as innocuous as some of the boneheads, like Chuck Hagel, or wishy washy folks like John McCain, who mess up the GOP. This is a feud that could tear the Democratic Party assunder. The nuttier ones in the Dem Party are the ones who are more often seen, rather then the more moderate (and sane) ones. Gonna be a good show! Stay tuned. Read more at Ankle Biting Pundits. I saw the Kosbat post this am, but bulldogpundit beat me too it. Cross posted at the Pirate's Cove. Posted by William Teach at 08:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Radio DhimmitudeSo much for freedom of speech. You may remember the story of radio talk show host Michael Graham, who was suspended from WMAL / ABC for what CAIR deemed "hate radio." This would be the same CAIR that even Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer--no right-wingers by any stretch of the imagination--have said that they have ties to terrorism, folks. CAIR isn't "moderate" or "peaceful" at all. Michael Graham said nothing different from what countless Islamic clerics and scholars have said in DEFENSE of their own religion, in saying that Islam compels its believers to violence. Period. CAIR doesn't want you to know this though; it's OK for Muslims to say such things, but when "infidels" are the intended audience it's suddenly a problem. (They don't want to look like the head-choppers who will TELL you infidels the same thing, after all.) Here's what he said, which is merely acknowledgement of what radical Islamists already know: “Because of the mix of Islamic theology that—rightly or wrongly—is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam’s name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don’t support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion.” Well, now WMAL has ended Graham's suspension--because they've FIRED him. This must be a very proud moment for CAIR and terror sympathizers everywhere; they got one guy who's telling the truth, now they must surely feel empowered in silencing others. What's the matter, Randall Bloomquist, Ernie Fears, and Chris Berry? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? YOU, Chris Berry--you said in email that "the buck stops" with you. chris.j.berry@abc.com You, WMAL, you succumbed to the pressure of those with known ties to terror. You have that right, but we also have the right to not support you, and we have the right to appeal to your advertisers just as CAIR threatened. Reader Paul has been emailing Berry, Bloomquist, and Fears, and has forwarded me their lame responses: From: Bloomquist, Randall [mailto:Randall.Bloomquist@abc.com] Note in this one from Berry, he says going to their advertisers would be a bad idea, while at the same time mentioning how successful CAIR's campaign has been doing just that: From: Berry, Chris J [mailto:Chris.J.Berry@abc.com] What??? Here's a LAME email response (with emphasis mine) from radio show host Chris Core:
OK, so the bosses make the call about what's discussed? Am I to then infer that "the bosses" made the call for Michael Graham to discuss the problems with Islam? I seriously doubt it, if they're firing him for it. Here are some advertisers you can contact, just culled from the WMAL website: Moore Hummer: Contact form, phone 1-800-552-0915 Safford Lincoln Mercury: rick@saffordLM.com And a contact courtesy of CAIR: Michael Graham's statement on the firing appears below.
Posted by Beth at 07:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 20, 2005And Noooowwww, Here's Kristin!I forget who it was who was wondering when Kristing Breitweiser would speak out on Able Danger. Well, she has, over at the Huffington "bandwith thieves" Post
So far so good. But, rather then exerpting any more, I challenge you to read the long, rambling post by Kristin. I see 2 things. One, she has failed to mention that Clinton was president during that time period. Heck, Clinton's name doesn't even appear. Second, down near the end, she is apparently trying to hintimate some sort of conspiracy by the CIA. Any guess who she would like to blame for said conspiracy? SInce 99% of the posts at THP are vast leftwing........ Cross posted at the Pirate's Cove Posted by William Teach at 07:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Yowza!Like most, I am flabbergasted by this: The jury hearing the first Vioxx case to go to trial awarded the man's widow $253.4 million in punitive and compensatory damages -- a sharp rebuke to an industry leader that enjoyed an unusually favorable public image before the Vioxx debacle began to unfold one year ago. And the jury deliberated for 10 hours over 2 days. That's alot of money, eh? I wonder what the Dummocrat Undergrounders think? Megahurtz: Holy Crap that's alot of money......but then again what price is a life? Unless you are an unborn baby, huh? Then you're value is zero to the Democratic Party. Posted by William Teach at 07:29 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack August 18, 2005Something Worth RepeatingPresident Bush's address to the Nation in front of a joint session of Congress, with Tony Blair in attendence:
Read the whole thing. Also, you can listen to the speech. We can go and kill terrorists willy nilly across the globe, but we have to stop the nations that harbor and support them. Cross posted at the Pirate's Cove Posted by William Teach at 10:44 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 17, 2005The unofficial WTW guide to weddingsYes I know I am not an official member of the "white trash Wednesday" bloggers but I couldn't resist. This page has some wonderful ideas on the perfect white trash wedding (just in case Beulah Mae and Jebediah ever decide to "git hitched.") Tasteful, simple wedding announcements: The one stop bridal shoppe of choice (and you can also stock up on supplies for the reception, too!): The perfect transportation choice for any bride and groom: And if you can't decide on the location of the wedding, let me suggest the simple yet elegant wedding at home: Posted by Jody at 11:59 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack Speaking of Dogs...Did any of y'all see the winner of the ugliest dog contest? ![]() (Dog is on the right) Posted by Jody at 09:55 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack August 16, 2005Owning A DogThis has to be the most precious thing about dogs I have ever seen. Check it out. FYI: not work friendly, as Jeff pointed out, and I found out at work. Posted by William Teach at 11:09 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack Spanish Troops in Afghanistan?According to news sources, 17 Spanish troopers were killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan Tuesday. What I want to know is what were Spanish troops doing in Afghanistan in the first place? Didn't Spain have those horrific bombings in 2003 that caused them to elect an anti-Iraq war government and pull their troops out of Iraq? Yup. The bombers said it was because of Iraq, which just happens to be the front lines in the War on Terrorism, and very divisive. Yet they didn't ask for troops to be pulled out of Afghanistan. And Spain complied with the terrorists. Interesting. Essentially, the enemy is doing what they can to tear the world apart, and using Iraq is a good way to get people like the Spaniards and our lefties (won't call them Americans, wouldn't be right) to comply with their demands. It comes down to a simple word: Infidel. You either believe in radical Islam, or you need to die. That is the way they think. If you are a Muslim, and do not follow the way of the radical Muslim's, you are an infidel, and you need to die. Our Dem's ignored the threat during the 90's, and now, through their irrational hatred of George Bush, they will do everything they can to embolden the Muslim terrorists. They need to up their meds
Posted by William Teach at 10:32 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 15, 2005What's the Exit Strategy, Part DuexThe other day I was wondering about exit strategies, and mentioned Kosovo. You remember Kosovo, that little war that Clinton got the US involved in for humanitarian reasons. A confilct that had absolutely zero effect on the security of the United States. We heard about all the human rights atrocities and genocide (which were well overblown), but, really had nothing to do with the US, so Bill handed our troops over to the UN for a "peacekeeping" mission. Weren't we only supposed to be there one year? Meanwhile, Kosovo is still having issues, and, yup, you guessed it, they involve Muslims International intervention to halt the persecution of Christians in Kosovo is a "complete failure," according to past and present diplomats who briefed Capitol Hill staff late last week. They pointed to the destruction of 150 churches and the simultaneous construction of 200 mosques. Obviously, we are involved in a quagmire in Kosovo. Why aren't we pulling our troops out of the UN run mission? We obviously cannot win. Kofi Annon has questions to answer. What's his exit strategy? Why has he allowed these religious desecrations to continue? When will we see Kosovo settle down? We have been there for 7 years, with little progress. The UN's presense is destabilizing the region, and even causing problems in China. It is time to rethink our presense in the UN led mission. Just for reference, I supported the Kosovo mission, albeit without the UN running the show. The intelligence at the time, which was seriously flawed, reported mass genocide. Furthermore, just to be clear, the paragraph beginning with "obviously" was pure sarcasm. Posted by William Teach at 09:20 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 14, 2005NCAA: The "ACLU" of Collegiate Sports![]() The Personally I think all bans are ridiculous. Orlando Sentinel's sports columnist, Mike Bianchi writes: Now that the NCAA is in the business of legislating against "hostile and abusive" nicknames, let them not stop with American Indians.
Posted by Jody at 08:53 AM | Comments (8) | TrackBack August 13, 2005Favorite People on the RightIn case you've missed it... John Hawkins has a list of "Favorite People On the Right," as determined by 52 bloggers. (Note that one of the requirements was that the people picked must still be alive--hence no Ronald Reagan.) Here were my picks, in no particular order (except for #1 and #2): 1. GEORGE W. BUSH 2. Senator George Allen 3. Condoleezza Rice 4. J.C. Watts 5. Ann Coulter (she was on the "least favorite" list, and I'm still annoyed about it) 6. Bill Kristol 7. Neil Cavuto (favorite news guy, by FAR, even though I knew he wouldn't make the final list) 8. Donald Rumsfeld 9. George H.W. Bush 10. Charles Krauthammer 11. Ret. General Tommy Franks (not sure if he really counts, but I don't care) 12. Karl Rove (yes, I'm die-hard and unapologetic) And I'm such an idiot, I forgot CHENEY, duh! hahahahahaha Seriously, I had a really hard time narrowing it down to only 12 (I could have just listed the whole Bush family, for that matter)...and I can't believe I spaced the freakin' Vice President. It was a very late-night email, though; that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Bloggers were an option, too, but I didn't pick any because I hate playing favorites with blogs. I know who I would have picked, though. Hint: they're in my blogroll. :wink: I also didn't even list the one who hit #1, because I knew she'd be up there, anyway. Well-deserved, I might add. By the way, and unsurprisingly, John McCain didn't make the list. How ya like them apples, Lefty? ![]() Who are your favorites?
[Cross posted from My VRWC] Posted by Beth at 09:58 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack Jody For PresidentJust to make sure Jody doesn't miss out on her chance
Posted by William Teach at 05:56 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack The Shamu ChroniclesI survived! Two almost three year olds, one three year old and one seven year old versus three adults. I knew it was going to be crazy when we were entering the park with the three baby girls in matching hoochie mama bathing suits (don't tell the baby's daddy about that!) holding each other's hands and chanting "Shamu, Shamu, Shamu"; a seven year old boy, one stroller (more about that later); a bag full of waters, cokes and Kool-Aids, another bag with pita bread sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids; two bags of clothing, pull-ups, wipes, panties, sippy cups, and snacks; and a 2 gallon thermos of ice tea. My friend, looked at me laughing, and asked " Are we nuts?". Yes. First stop after all our bags were searched and we entered the park was the stroller rental place, where we rented a double stroller. One thing about rental strollers, they never have enough storage space. So we did some creative loading of all our stuff into these two strollers. Needless to say the one stroller we bought from home carried most of the load. In retrospect, not the best idea... And off we went to see the dolphins swimming. Then we did baby swap and the four of us who could, rode Journey to Atlantis. And then the Blue Horizons show which was nice and the kids really liked, except the girls' attention span gave up about half way through the show (hey, Sea World, does the show have to be soooo long?). Then we went to eat lunch. Afterwards, my friend loading up the strollers asked the innocent question: "Do you smell something?" The baby, the dear sweet baby, had an accident. Of the poop variety. So we found a family restroom (thank God for this invention) and we all loaded into the small room with the seven year old boy insistent that he stay outside to "watch the strollers". We all had jobs to clean the baby up. My friend's sister pulled her suit down. My friend took the bottoms and held the corner and stuck it in the toilet and flushed. And flushed. And flushed. After three flushes the water had done a great job cleaning it off. She then rinsed the bottoms off with soap in the sink. Since they were pratically clean and if we changed the baby into something else, all the girls wouldn't match...well... let's just say, no poop was going to keep the girls from matching! Oh and my job in the poop incident? "Hello, my name is Jody and I will be cleaning your butt today." Onward to the kid's park, because honestly we sensed a mutiny coming and although the kids don't know it, if they had banded together, they would of won. Of course we were lost and ended up back toward the entrance of the park near the stroller rental shop again, which was a good thing because about a block away from passing it, the loaded down stroller we had brought from home lost a wheel. The wheel just fell off. So we rented another double stroller (because one seat was for a little girl, the other for all our stuff!). Finally making it to the kid's park with the girl's next in line for the Jumping Bouncy thing, they closed the event and everything else because of a thunderstorm in the area. So we went to the picnic tables under shelter by a huge sand area and the kids played in the sand area for an hour while we waited for the rain to stop. Finally the thunder did stop but not the rain, so we let the kids play in the rain. And then we decided to leave, since it was already four o' clock and I-4 would be terrible to be stuck on in rush hour traffic. The best thing? The baby says, "I had so much fun, mommy!" Who knew? I wonder if a sandbox and a waterhose would entertain them as well? The funniest thing? We never saw Shamu. Oh well. Next time, we have annual passes. That means I get to go again and again and again...yay for me (groan!). Posted by Jody at 10:20 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack What's the Exit Strategy?Hmmm, some of the inmates at the Democratic Underground (why do I picture Morlock's from The Time Machine) are bringing up the old "what is our exit strategy" again. Sorry, no link, saw it last night, and I am not donating to get search ability. What I want to know is, what is our exit strategy for Germany, Japan, Korea, Bosnia, and Kosovo, all wars started under or by Demoratic Admins. Also, how about that War on Poverty, started by LBJ? That one is working well, eh? Has anyone see that IBM commercial, there are a bunch of folks in midevil costumes, they are talking about building a catapult, and they were going to throw money at the enemy? Yup, Dems in a nutshell. They have thrown money at the "poverty problem" endlessly. You know, giving it away to people who have tv's, microwaves, $150 sneakers, homes, etc. When is their war going to end? I want to know what the plan is. You want to win the "war on poverty?" Lower the taxes, put the Fair Tax Plan in place, do away with all the regulatory idiocy. That way, more business could start, and existing ones could pay their employees more, rather then spend the money on lawyers, tax pro's, and regulatory compliance. Also, teach people actual knowledge and skills, rather then leave them dependent on government handouts. Of course, that would eliminate half the Dem base. Posted by William Teach at 09:09 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack August 12, 2005Guest BloggingWhile I cannot compare to Shamu, I can : Posted by trejrco at 10:26 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 11, 2005Shamu Rocks!I decided to take a day off from work tomorrow. And go to Sea World...with the baby (the baby being a very wild and tempermental almost 3 year old), her "best" friend (also almost 3) and my niece...who is 3. (And of course my daughter's new imaginary friend Buddy who is 3 years old and has black hair and is always in time out will surely make an appearance as well). Wait. Did I say I was taking a day off?! I think this might be even more work. But my daughter's friend's mom and aunt are coming too...and her seven year old brother. So no worries. Right?! Right? If I live to blog about it, you guys will know. Have a happy Friday everyone!! Posted by Jody at 11:05 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack A warning, ladiesI received an email today from a friend to pass on. It might be complete BS, but, I thought I would share it with y'all, in case it isn't: Dear Friends: Then they asked if I'd like to sample some fabulous scent they were willing to sell me at a very reasonable rate. I probably would have agreed had I not received an e-mail warning of a "Wanna smell this neat perfume?" scam. The men continued to stand between parked cars, I guess to wait for someone else to hit on. I stopped a lady going towards them, pointing at them and told her about how I was sent an e-mail at work about someone walking up to you at the malls or in parking lots and asking you to SNIFF PERFUME that they are selling at a cheap price. THIS IS NOT PERFUME...IT IS ETHER! When you sniff it, you'll pass out. They'll take your wallet, your valuables and heaven k knows what else. If it were not for this e-mail, I probably would have sniffed the 'perfume' but thanks to the generosity of an e-mailing friend, I was spared whatever might have happened to me. PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL YOUR WOMEN FRIENDS AND PLEASE BE ALERT AND BE AWARE. IF YOU ARE A MAN AND RECEIVE THIS, PASS IT ON TO YOUR WOMEN FRIENDS. It's better to be safe then sorry. There are some sick people in this world. You wonderful ladies take care. Posted by William Teach at 12:28 PM | Comments (11) | TrackBack SighI guess all good things must come to end, right? (You'll be missed, Christina!) Posted by Jody at 12:00 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack August 10, 2005For the record...I have changed templates three times since beginning this blog in January... THREE times... Now how often do you change your underwear, Jeff?! (Now if you had said, you changed underwear as often as Janette changes templates, I'd have no hygenic concerns for you at all! ...) ![]() Also to put the record straight, Beth. Yes my computer Anyone else want a link? Just send a trackback to this post (with a link to this post of course) and you'll get one. See? Easy! I love my inline trackbacks! :) Posted by Jody at 09:53 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack A Progressive Republican?That is what Jeanine Pirro described herself as on Fox News this morning. I wondered what she was talking about. Now I know: The challenger, who faces three conservative rivals for the Republican nomination to face Mrs. Clinton next year, also noted in her speech that she disagreed with Mr. Bush on abortion rights, which she favors. She called the president's limits on stem-cell research "wrong," and applauded the Republican majority leader in the Senate, Bill Frist of Tennessee, for breaking with Mr. Bush over the restrictions. Interesting. But, overall, still better for New York, and the country, then Hillary. A loss in the 2006 Senate race would put a serious crimp in Hillary's 2008 Presidential campaign. I am predicting a Pirro win by 2 percentage points. But, the New York Times goes down a standard Leftist road, entitling the article "A Fierry But Rocky Start" on their homepage. They have subsequantly changed the article title on the article page within the last 1/2 hour, from when I first saw it. The first paragraph goes Decrying Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's "empty promises," Jeanine F. Pirro got her 2006 Senate campaign off to a fiery but rocky start today, broadly attacking Mrs. Clinton in a speech but struggling with questions about abortion, taxes, Iraq and her husband. First, they say this about her Ms. Pirro appeared poised during her first interaction with reporters today, even during a 32-second pause, mid-speech, as she searched for a page of text. "Could I have Page 10?" she asked an aide, Michael McKeon, who provided the text and said later that she had been writing until the last minute and left that page in another room. Gee, foul ups never happen, eh, Times? Jayson Blair. But the Grey Lady, who will certainly back Cankles, then takes shots at Ms. Pirro But while Ms. Pirro kept her cool before reporters, she also seemed unprepared for some questions. And so on, etc. Expect this to get even nastier towards Pirro from the Times and other left leaning parts of teh Excempt Media. Though I may not fully agree with some of Pirro's political stances, you have to love her spunk, and willingness to attack. Pam at Atlas Shrugs has a great article regarding Pirro from yesterday. Posted by William Teach at 06:27 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack August 09, 2005That Clik4Cathy buttonChris Muir is asking every reader to hit the button below as often as we can for the next 10 days: Why? To raise the Yahoo rating of a small clinic that's keeping his sister Cathy alive and well -- but that could use some PR. A high listing is vital to the clinic's visibility with a timed ad on a local CNN cancer special August 14th and 20th. It's a tiny ad, but what helps them, helps Chris's sister. Of course we will Chris, starting right now. May Cathy soon be back in the pink of health and enjoying life among family and friends. Posted by Sissy Willis at 08:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack Something is different...![]() What do you think? Special thanks to Tammy for the wonderful new design. Posted by Jody at 02:10 PM | Comments (11) | TrackBack "Women all, Ladies, when appropiate"Juliette of Baldilocks aptly describes Cotillion. She along with her co-hosts Maxed-Out Mama, Darleen's Place and Small Dead Animals bring this week's edition of Cotillion to life. Exquisite.
Posted by Jody at 01:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Discovery Lands Safely.Whew. Posted by Jody at 10:32 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack August 08, 2005Is anyone shocked?Ex-U.N. official admits to to taking and seeking bribes. A former U.N. procurement officer pleaded guilty Monday to accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from U.N. contractors, federal prosecutors said. Hmmm...someone remind me again, which corrupt institution helped lead the charge against invading Iraq and removing a ruthless dictator from power? It couldn't have been the officials running the U.N. who were getting rich off of the terror of the Iraqi people could it? Yeah, but I bet Kofi Annan had absolutely nothing to do with it... right? (Not!) Posted by Jody at 10:18 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack Jody?Maybe she's down there? Don't see her. Is she in the water? Nope. Hmm, where is she? Update from Jody: shhh! I am here, but my computer is being held hostage... I think my husband orchestrated the "friend" to fix it as a clever guise to make me stop blogging and to pay attention to him...and to maybe watch the dishes and do some laundry... But if I type quietly I can sneak on his "business only" computer...SHHH! I hear someone... Posted by William Teach at 05:54 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack Were You Speaking to Me, Honey?Opening myself up to horrendous comments from Jody's women readers: Men who are accused of never listening by women now have an excuse -- women's voices are more difficult for men to listen to than other men's, a report said. I wonder if this is the reason for "honeydo" notes? Hat tip to The Pirate, guest posting at Little Miss Attila Update: This is probably a good place for this: A Macedonian man left his wife at an Italian service station and only realized he had driven off without her six hours later, news agency Ansa said. Not, not, not good. Posted by William Teach at 10:09 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack Air Deadbeat-MSM Still Ignores
Where is the NY Times, the "Paper of Record?" So far, zero coverage of the ongoing Air Deadbeat fiasco. As a matter of fact, there is almost no MSM coverage of this issue. Checking Google and Yahoo news, the only new player is Oregon Live (which links to the Oregonian):
Oops. Amazing that it is a paper on the other side of the country that has to take Air Deadbeat to task. I checked the other sites that Advance Internet owns, which most are in areas that Air Deadbeat "broadcast" in, and nada from those papers. David Reinhard then offers suggestions as to what the Air Deadbeat listeners could do:
Sorry, David, but most of the Lefties are pretending that Air Deadbeat has done absolutely nothing wrong. It isn't part of their talking points. Why does this story matter? In the greater scheme of things, Air Deadbeat really doesn't affect that many people, beyond the kids that can no longer go to camp. But, it shows the hypocrisy of the Left. You know, the ones that accuse the RightWingNuts of being thieves and liars. Yet, whose media is constantly getting busted for lying and wrongdoing, now thieving? Remember, in Florida, it wasn't GOP voting precincts which had issues. 27 of 28 of the problematic were run by Demorats. Rush's problems were personal. Hannity? No problems. But the Left will tell you that Savage is Jewish. I guess that is more important then Air Deadbeat and their scandal. Here's a good question for all the cities and states that Air America operates in, maybe even the FBI: Air America operates in multiple states. In some cases, they broadcast across state lines. Was this "loan" simply for WLIB, the NYC station, or did it benefit the entire AA network? Wouldn't that make it a federal case? Michelle Malkin and Captain Ed have more. Radio Equalizer has the lowdown on Air Deadbeat paying their employees late (again.) Crossposted at the Pirate's Cove (cause I'm a lazy bastich) Posted by William Teach at 09:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 07, 2005The tale of a porn star or a lesson for ChristianityI sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. His eye is on the sparrow. And I know he watches over me. ![]() Jesus' ministry was rarely confined to four walls of a sanctuary but he was always with someone hurting and lost. Someone who needed to find their way and He was there... He is there. His love knows no bounds and never is exclusive. I though often shield myself in a cocoon of "Christian" friends under the guise of being separate in the world. In all honesty, it is just easier that way. I don't have to reach out to someone hurting and alone and actually help them. I just stay with those who won't challenge my beliefs or need more than I am willing to give. We stick together with our noses high, knowing we're right and we're definitely separate from the "world"... But if we stay in our cocoon, who can see the wings God has given us? Who will see the blessings and joy we truly have? Who can see the light of this world and who will show those hurting the way? If we stay within ourselves, how can we help those Jesus always helped? The woman at the well? The blind? The tormented? The lonely? The helpless? Who is left holding their hands if we refuse to do it? His eye is on the sparrow. He knows each and every hair on our heads...He does not keep better track of a "Christian's" hair than someone who is not? Being a Christian doesn't make you worth more than the person who doesn't know Jesus. But even having said all that, I still wonder, could I be friends with the porn star? Read the whole story, it is well worth your time and it is a gentle reminder that our friendships and love for others needs to extend pass our church walls... (ht: Just a Little Bit Odd) Posted by Jody at 10:18 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack A QuestionIs this really "racist?" "I just cannot watch this brand of baseball any longer," Krueger said. "A truly awful, pathetic, old team that only promises to be worse two years from now. It's just awful. It really is bad to watch. Brain-dead Caribbean hitters hacking at slop nightly." Larry Krueger is a talk show host for KNBR, a flagship radio station for the San Fran What do y'all think? Posted by William Teach at 10:10 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack August 06, 2005Air Deadbeat Saga Continues, Lefties Go "Huh?"It is now 10 days since since the Air Deadbeat story broke (via Bore America), and it continues to not only get worse for them, but it continues to be covered by the right of center blogs. Michelle Malkin links to a story in today's New York Post, which shows that Air Deadbeat has started putting money in an escrow account, but only $50K. The NYC investigators recommended putting the whole $850K in the account. I wonder which Liberal big wig (who hasn't rebuffed Bush's tax cuts (snicker)) will give AD the money to put into the account? AD can barely afford to pay their employees. Finally, the NY State Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer, has become involved, but it seems like he is going to investigate only Gloria Wise at this time. Don't forget to focus on AD, Elliot! So far, the NY Post and NY Sun seems to be about the only news sites carrying the story. Weirdly enough, the stories by US News and World Report and the Investor's Business Daily were either buried or not on Yahoo News the day they were published. They are now. The MSM's may not be covering this (where are you, Grey Lady?), but it isn't dying in the right-o-sphere. Unlike the left-o-sphere, we do not have a flavor of the day, move on quickly. Whatever happened to Ohio 2004, Abu Ghraid, G'itmo, the DSM, Gannon, Rovegate? All those issues which were going to "take Bush down." In some cases, the lefties whined for a month or so, then moved on, but it was either hysterical or transient posts. Even Roberts seems to have cooled in the left-o-sphere. The blogburst to get Kerry to sign his 180's is still going strong. The Stop the ACLU blogburst is going on, what, week 19? And look at all the Carnivals which are right-o-sphere dominated. The only story that the lefties stick with is how much they hate our troops, and they post with glee any negative story, especially body counts.
Cross posted at the Pirate's Cove Posted by William Teach at 08:34 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 05, 2005Meet Susan Anne Catherine TorresMSN is reporting that Jason and Susan Torres' baby is very active and there are no signs that the cancer spread to her. A video of the report with Jason's brother speaking regarding the family's state right now is available here. The latest update I received from the Susan Torres mail listing is quoted below: The following statement was delivered by Justin Torres, brother of Jason, at the press conference yesterday. Posted by Jody at 12:49 AM | Comments (12) | TrackBack August 04, 2005Just one more thing...I wasn't going to say anything more because what I said here was enough. But since Lashawn is still saying things about it here and here, I thought, why not? I stand by my remarks and I am truly sorry for you if they seemed "way harsh and uncalled for" but they're true. And just like everyone else has a right to their opinion, I have the right to mine. I certainly did not expect the overwhelming sentiment of support when I wrote this post refuting Lashawn's statements regarding women generally not having the sensibilities to lead the country or her "I don't care what you think but obviously you do" mantra. Neither did I expect any linkage or traffic increase just because I had put a few sentences together. And I definitely did not expect the petty venemous reaction from Lashawn because I disagreed with her. I expected better, but I guess that just means I was a little disappointed. I know better now. Yes, in case you are wondering, I am the blog she is ominously referring to in her "update" of this post (and actually I guess I am one of the naysayers she is referring to in the other update on her post). And yes I was the catalyst to this "woe is me, they're picking on me" post as well. Which is fine. But really, because I'd hate for her to worry about the "links" I'm giving her that will cause her to rise in her blessed ecosystem, I am now using basil's tried and true method of link directing. Click on every single link in this post and you'll go to where I am directing you to, but for those Lashawn links...the "credit" in the ecosystem will go to basil, who is brilliant. Oh and don't go anywhere just yet, until you read this from Cake Eater Chronicles who is also brilliant. And look around my blog, there are a lot of links and comments to people who agree with me that women are capable and willing to be leaders. I'm sure there are people out there who disagree with me too, and as always, you are more than welcome to comment and trackback to anything you take issue with. I don't mind that one bit. And as always, comments are open. Posted by Jody at 05:16 PM | Comments (11) | TrackBack Got Gasoline, Will OffendAsk me if I care about your opinion. Go ahead. I dare ye. Well, actually, I do. I may not pay attention to it, I may try and refute it, but I do care about it. Hell, I wouldn't read Left-o-sphere blogs, and persue lefty sites, such as the DU, Common Sense, johnkerry.com, if I didn't care about other's opinions. Well, also the humor factor. It's amazing to me that someone would write a blog and basically say "your opinion means sh*t to me." Then, when called out by another blogger, have a fit, delete that bloggers trackback, complain too them mostly off topic, then compain about them on their own blog, without even the benefit of a name or a trackback. That's mature. At boarding school, there was a guy, don't remember his name, don't care, either, who would say "You're entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong." Literally say it. You can imagine how well that went over. He never came back for the second session after Christmas. The other part of the equation is "I don’t think women generally have the sensibilities to run the country." I cannot even begin to imagine the idiocy of that statement, especially coming from a woman. If a man said that, he would be assaulted by every women's group, both Left and Right, beyond belief. It wasn't so long ago that women were not judged qualified to vote, or work, or serve in the military, among others. Are women qualified to make important judgements on the United States of America? I would think so, comsidering the women who have served on the Supreme Court, as well as lower courts. Is Condi ready to be President? Maybe, maybe not. She has never really been in the politician track. So what? Is that really what the Framers wanted? Politicians only? How about someone who has served admirably in the Bush admin, currently serving as Sec of State? I would rather have her then someone like Hillary, who, no matter what you think of her politics, has the sensabilities to be president. What kind of reaction would there be if I wrote "blacks do not have the sensibilities to be President" and left it at that? Essentially, La Shawn has doomed the entire female race as silly little non-entities when it comes to politics. I mean, really, if a wack job like Cynthia McKinney can become a US Representative, certainly most other women are more then qualified to be President, especially a smart cookie like Condi. Quite frankly, La Shawn reminds me more of the MSM reporters and Lefties, who all tend to have little hissy fits when they are criticized, then go off on a tangent. "Please read my blog, but go scr*w yourself if you disagree." Like Beth says "TOUGHEN UP!" Posted by William Teach at 11:47 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 03, 2005Women without Sense??Every time I wander onto some blogs, I wonder why I wasted my time even going there. Take this from Lashawn today: Rice for President: One of my advertisers is a group called Americans For Rice, and I’ve been asked by several people where I stand on the Condi-for-president meme. I wouldn’t vote for Condoleezza Rice for president of the United States. First, I don’t think women generally have the sensibilities to run the country. Before you jump all over me, it’s important that you know I don’t care what you think. You’re reading this blog, so you obviously care what I think, so there it is. Second, Rice is pro-choice and might be pro-race preferences. No moderate Republican who I know is a moderate will ever get my vote (emphasis added). First of all, she doesn't think women generally have the sensibilities to run a country? They only have the sensibilities to run households, raise children, run companies, be intelligent and poised and succeed in almost anything they desire. Although a woman has not been president yet of this country, they have been leaders outside of the United States (i.e. Margaret Thatcher, Yulia Tymoshenko, Gloria Arroyo, Indira Gandhi). Yes, Lashawn, women have already proven themselves "sensible enough" to run a country but thanks for helping prove to many that conservatives are just rigid close minded people who want their women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. That's fun too. And as for caring what you think because I read your blog? I just wonder how you have so many readers who do seem to care what you think especially if this is the type of stuff you're thinking. Fine disagree with Condi on her politics but to not want her to run and to not support her just because she is a woman is obviously just as bad as not supporting her just because she's black. No one picks their race, no one picks their sex. Just pick the right person for the job. Qualifications OVER appearances, please! Please someone tell me why she is so high in the ecosystem? Posted by Jody at 06:41 PM | Comments (23) | TrackBack First Dog ClonedScientists for the first time have cloned a dog. But don't count on a better world populated by identical and resourceful Lassies just yet. There is a really bad joke floating through the cosmosphere over this, but I'm not going to make it. Just going to get some cole slaw. Posted by William Teach at 02:09 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack Susan Torres gives birth to baby girlFrom the Susan Torres website: The Torres and Rollin families are proud to announce that Mrs. Susan In case you are not familiar who Susan is, you can click here for more details. Essentially she was pronounced brain dead and kept alive in order to deliver her child. For those following this story, the baby's birth has been the long anticipated hopeful end to a tragic beginning. Nothing can replace this wonderful wife and mother but her new child will help restore some hope and happiness to these grieving families. Let's wish them all well and please remember bills still need to be paid. If you wish to contribute to the family, please click here. Update: Others blogging about this miracle baby: Posted by Jody at 01:16 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 02, 2005So did anyone notice...it's Cotillion time? (Hehe. Thanks Teach and Janette!) And seriously check out this week's Cotillion. Another fabulous job, ladies! Posted by Jody at 04:00 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack The Cotillion CarnivalIt's time for the Cotillion Carnival once again! As usual the posts can also be found at the home of Cotillion. [Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild] UPDATE: Oops! It looks like Teach beat me to the send button. I'd delete my post but I'm trying to prove to Jody that I'm not the world's worst guest blogger. C'mon, it won't hurt you to click those links twice! Posted by Janette Stripling at 03:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack It's Cotillion time!Has everyone visited the Cotillion Ladies today? No? Why Not? Go. Now. This weeks hosts are: Portia Rediscovered (who has a photo of my favorite comic book babe, Rogue. Yummy!) And, don't forget the Cotillion homepage. Hot mama's all! PS: MT was going wonky on me, ended up posting this 5 times, so if a trackback went nowhere, it's cause I deleted the posts. Bad MT! Where's my newspaper. First person to ask what's a newspaper will be judged to be a teenager. Then I will explain 8 tracks, 33's, and cassettes. Posted by William Teach at 03:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack August 01, 2005Around the DiamondFirst up, Orioles slugger Rafael Palmeiro was suspended for 10 games after testing for a steroids substance. This comes on the heels of testifying adamently before Congress that he had NEVER used steroids: Rafael Palmeiro jabbed his finger in the air for emphasis and raised his voice with all the indignation of a man falsely accused. Only a few minor trades occured on Sunday, the last day to make them. And, in the Capital, the Washington Senators are worried that their star Left fielder, Ted "Burb" Kennedy, has been taking Clueless, in a clear violation of the substance abuse policy. "The abuse of power and the cloak of secrecy from the White House continues. ... It's a devious maneuver that evades the constitutional requirement of Senate consent and only further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton's credibility at the U.N." For the moment, "Ted will be assigned to a farm team, and re-educated on the basic fundementals, such as the US Constitution" said a team spokesman. "Ted's completely forgotten that his brother John played the same way, appointing Thurgood Marshall to the Federal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in 1961. We need an aggressive player who has his head in the game at all times, and Ted has been bobbling the ball and committing too many errors as of late." Kennedy immediately pulled his pants down around his ankles and went for a swim. Posted by William Teach at 07:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Two Of The Most Powerful Men In The World
You can keep up with Chuck's recovery at From My Position . . . On The Way! You can donate to help cover expenses or just send a nice card to CPT Charles Ziegenfuss, PO Box 59051, Washington DC 20012 Chuck's blogging duties have been covered nicely by his wife Carren since his injury by an IED back in June. Chuck himself is slowly getting back into the swing of things and I understand that positive comments on his blog mean a lot to him, his wife Carren and his mom Alice. Be sure to go over and tell him how much you appreciate his service! [Cross posted at Common Sense Runs Wild] Posted by Janette Stripling at 07:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack Saying "Thank You."There are generally two grocery stores that I go to, Harris Teeter and Food Lion. I detest Kroger, the prices are bad. I loathe Winn Dixie, the service is poor. I realized yesterday why Harris Teeter is my favorite. They are nice. They say thank you. They acknoledge you. That means alot, at least to me. Food Lion can be hit or miss, but Harris Teeter is always spot on nice. I almost always use the do it yourself lane, and there is always an associate keeping an eye on things, ready to help in a heartbeat. When you are done, they say "thank you," and often include something like "have a nice evening." Now, what gets me is that so many business (and people) do not say "thank you" anymore. Too often, it is the customer who is saying thank you, and the associate will say "you're welcome." Shouldn't that be the other way around? How did it become reveresed? When I go and get a cup of coffee, it isn't my job to say thanks. It is their job. Now, I am, in Real Life, a polite person. I'll say thanks at a resteraunt, when I am buying something, and, when I get a cup of coffee (among others). I trump any possible "thank you" from the associate usually by saying it first. But, the proper response is not "you're welcome." They need to add something like "and, thank you" on to their "you're welcome," especially when I am leaving a tip. People have forgotten the proper use of "thank you." The wrong people are saying it, and not getting the correct niceties back. Simple common courtesy. I'd pledge to never say thank you in situations such as getting a cup of coffee, but I know I'd break it in a heartbeat. Posted by William Teach at 08:26 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack |